Hello everyone,
If some one could suggest me on the following, It would be very grateful..
Suppose I am doing a Sale or Negative Adjustment or Consumption of an Item with multiple lots or serials. In this case, since I have a Inbound lot and serial entries, I need to just select the lots or serial nos. while doing outbound transaction (Sale or neg. adj. or consumption).
If I have 100's of serial nos. to select, then every time I have to click on Serial No. assist edit button, select one serial no. from the temp entry summary form come back to the Item tracking lines, move to next line and then repeat the same process.
Here I would like to minimize the process where I need a facility to select all the lots or serial nos. at one go and after selection, with Ok the Item tracking lines should get filled in..
Please suggest if this customization could be taken up also if any alternative to make the process easy..
Awaiting eagerly for your best suggestions :-k . Advance wishes to everyone
FD Consulting
Otherwise this could have become a big excerise for me to work on
Falling down is not a defeat..defeat is when you refuse to get up.
How can I do if I want a credit memo (prepayment) for the selected sales line (It could be one line or more or all of them).
I have to generate a credit memo only for the selected line.
Thank for help.
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