Sales Line Field ::Apply and Close (Job)

attardcattardc Member Posts: 97
I've come across a field called "Apply and Close (Job)" in the Sales Line. Any idea what this is?

Thanks in advance!



  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    What do you get when you hit F1?

    I get...
    Apply and Close (Job) Field
    The Sales Line Table
    Here you can apply a job ledger entry with an amount less than the
    Remaining Amount of the relevant job ledger entry.
    A job entry normally will be closed when the amount in the Remaining Amount field in the Job Ledger Entries table is USD 0.00. A check mark in this field causes entries to apply to each other although the amounts are not equal. The remaining amount will be set to zero.
    This field can be used to invoice a fixed amount to the customer on a monthly basis, regardless of the job's actual usage.
  • attardcattardc Member Posts: 97

    I guess my help isn't working well :S
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