Hi All,
I am using 6.0SP1 IN version with 9020 Role Center.
Which is using Page - "Small Business Owner Act." and table - "SB Owner Cue".
In the above Page, we have "Purchase Invoices Due Today" which is calculated as
Count("Vendor Ledger Entry" WHERE (Document Type=FILTER(Invoice|Credit Memo),Due Date=FIELD(Due Date Filter),Open=CONST(Yes)))
I want to show the count of Purchase Invoices Due Only TODAY.
For this I tried to set "Due Date Filter" in role center page but NO LUCK(as we will have Filter Pane in List Pages only - Correct me if I am wrong)
I tried by setting Due Date Filter := TODAY in Onopen Page but still NO LUCK.
Please let me know how this can be done..
Thanks in advance.
The "Due Date Filter" is blank so it is showing all the records..
and then keep modifying if a record is found..
also commit the data after inserting.
"Date Filter" := TODAY;
if a record is found keep modifying with today date.
hope this helps.
It worked..
Thanks alot.. :thumbsup: