Transfer already posted

fahdfahd Member Posts: 226
Dear Experts,
I am facing one more problem and this one is really and irritating one.

Actually i have one transfer from store to the Warehouse let say S0002to-1212312, now when i checked into the Db of warehouse,

The transfer is showing in POSTED TRANSFER RECEIVING, I checked in item ledger table for the Warehouse & have been added along with quantities.

But problem is when i am checking the same tranfer in INSTORE MGMT>INSTORE DOCUMENT the status is like this.

Instance Dist. Location Status Code Date Of Status Time Of Status
1 S0002 SHIP 01/24/11 2:00:44 PM

when i process the document it says item 12464 is not on inventory. even though it has already been processed, then why it's status is not udpated and why it is showing this. Even thought i have posted this transfer already,

Please let know on this ASAP, ](*,)

Let me know if you have any consfusion regarding my questions

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