Yes. This is correct.
Table Data 0 - is all table data.
If you want to ONLY read some tables you need to separate table data.
I would make it so:
Copy from Object designer all table datal.
Cut some table data and make it in separate role (read only). Another part (allow modificatio) put in second role.
I did this way when I needed devide Forms (for all users and for favorits users).
Set a role with Tabledata 0 with read and exceute permissions only
Is this a correct way of doing it?
Table Data 0 - is all table data.
If you want to ONLY read some tables you need to separate table data.
I would make it so:
Copy from Object designer all table datal.
Cut some table data and make it in separate role (read only). Another part (allow modificatio) put in second role.
I did this way when I needed devide Forms (for all users and for favorits users).
Navision Permission Role Wizard
Even I sometimes forget about some of the great downloads available on Mibuso.
Sorry for going off topic for a sec. :^o