Using Dynamics NAV 2009, we try to create stylesheet which should contain a field which is from type 'Text' but is used to store barcode fields.
We added the merge field on the stylesheet, and set the font type to the barcode font.
But when we merge the document, the result is incorrect, because the mailmerge function cannot handle the "<<" and ">>" texts which are part of the mergefield definition on the styleheet (mergefield = <<Barcode>>). The result shows a field in barcode font, but in fact it doesnot show the value of the barcode-field, but it shows the caption 'Barcode'.
Did anyone experience this before, and knows a solution ?
K3 Business Solutions
But in fact I was hoping for another answer, because we are using the mailmerge as part of a webservice. Creating an extra step in this process is not really what I am looking for, certainly because in my opinion this is a problem which should be solved in a hotfix. I think I am going to report this to Microsoft, and hopefully it will be solved in the nearby future...
In Codeunit 403, function LauchApp:
Disclaimer: this hack works for me, but it might not work for you. This code is released without support.