Dynamics NAV Source Control with iFacto ReVision
Already announced in numerous blogposts, finally it's here: the beta release of iFacto ReVision.
Basically, this tool adds source control to your developments, with these focus points in mind:
- Simplicity
> Easy to install
> Easy to maintain
> One-time setup
- No object changes in any database
- No change in development experience
This download is a Beta/Trial/... - version of the tool, limited to 28/02/2011. We want to collect as many feedback as possible, so please, use this forum, or the email address provided in the tool.
You can expect updates in the near future, so try to check this download regularly. To keep up-to-date of these change, you can subscribe to the thread of this download on the forum.
Included in this download:
- Setup
- User Manual
- Installation manual
More information also on my blog:
http://dynamicsuser.net/blogs/waldo/arc ... ision.aspxhttp://www.mibuso.com/dlinfo.asp?FileID=1335
Discuss this download here.
Just as good as you promised!
Object Manager
But keep on testin' !!
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
Although i would change:
1. At first Startup a "Hello Wold" Wizard that guides you through the initial setup (truly make it plug&play)
2. Configuring repository: Check Connection: Auto-Fit form, escape closes window, close window button, autoclose after 5 secs (if all = ok)
.. to be continued
Because of that till now I always missed the PendingCheckins form.
Maybe an option that this form cannot be closed with ESC?
And a restore option would be nice…
Object Manager
Very good point! I'll remove the "Close on Esc"
Is there a need for an option to allowed "Close on Esc" on this form in your
>> And a restore option would be nice…
I guess you mean a "Rollback previous version" function ?
We are working on this, it is not yet released in this beta...
we're still figuring out how to make this work in all situations.
Tnx 4 the feedback
Congrats, you have done a great job! \:D/
No, probably not. But if I uncheck the setting “Checkin object after form closes” the PendingCheckins still keeps popping up. If this does not happen it’s ok by me.
Yes, that’s what I mean. Good to hear that you are planning that functionality.
Object Manager
This tool adds source control to your developments, with these focus points in mind:
- Simplicity
> Easy to install
> Easy to maintain
> One-time setup
- No object changes in any database
- No change in development experience
This download is a Beta/Trial/... - version of the tool, limited to 28/02/2011. We want to collect as many feedback as possible, so please, use this forum, or the email address provided in the tool.
You can expect updates in the near future, so try to check this download regularly. To keep up-to-date of these change, you can subscribe to the thread of this download on the forum.
Included in this download:
- Setup
- User Manual
- Installation manual
More information also on my blog.
Update 0.9.39
- Updated requirements (see Installation Manual)
- Compare issue when object(s) didn't exist in second client.
- Checkout problems indicated in progress tracker.
- Table Information: Show fields "Maintain SQL Index" / "Maintain SIFT Index"
- Fixed: Checkin comment lost when checking in via "Pending Changes"
- Don't close "Pending Checkings" form on ESC
- Don't reopen the object designer when the "Pending Checkin" form is closed
- Don't open "Pending Checkings" when object designer is closed
Discuss this download here.
Here my 2 cents:
- Is it possible to check in single Objects from PendingCheckins to give them seperate comments?
- The behavior in the comment-function in the PendingCheckins window is a little bit strange, sometimes it takes the comment from the first checkin or doesnt take the comment at all, just not that what i write
- Is it possible(configuration) that the object gets checked out when i save it and not when i open it?
- The Table Info is great, expecially the sorting with the FieldName
- Compore Tool gives an Error when an object doesnt exist in the other version and i would like to import it
- Would it be possible to get an option for the compare tool, to decide if it should compile the object or not?
- Possible to make use of the Locked and Locked By fields(R2), so other users see it directly in the object designer with object are checked out?; maybe via configuration (on/off)
- When i tried to open an object wich my co-worker had checked out i got the info that someone checked it out but not who, the "by whom"-field stayed blank
- Had some trouble with the SQL Lock Function; when i enabled it my co-worker could not save any object anymore (Error: ... object is not checked out ...) (Maybe some sql-configuration/security problems, runs everything on my local machine, and i am not a real expert on that topic
Edit: ui, already new version
Good suggestions you've got there ... I've put them all on the list :-). Be sure to check the next releases!
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
What still doesn't work, is when you want to merge it in the detail view(just the object). You get an Error that the file doesnt exist, which makes sense, because it does not
I will, looking forward to it
This tool adds source control to your developments, with these focus points in mind:
- Simplicity
> Easy to install
> Easy to maintain
> One-time setup
- No object changes in any database
- No change in development experience
This download is a Beta/Trial/... - version of the tool, limited to 31/03/2011. We want to collect as many feedback as possible, so please, use this forum, or the email address provided in the tool.
You can expect updates in the near future, so try to check this download regularly. To keep up-to-date of these change, you can subscribe to the thread of this download on the forum.
Included in this download:
- Setup
- User Manual
- Installation manual
More information also on my blog.
Update 0.9.40
- Hotkeys available from designer windows
- Support all languages (codepage-issues)
- Check In separate sets of objects to be able to use separate CheckIn-Comments
- Table Information Tool: Quotes removed/add again when transferring to clipboard (easy searching for fields)
- Compare option: make "Live Compile" optional.
- Message "Object checked out by UserX".
- Check In comment mandatory (option)
- Improved Error Reporting
- Add versioning to revision settings files
- "Auto Check Out" option: Make the user want to choose how he wants to check out objects.
- Added useability options to have less room for faulty setup.
- Extend Licensing perdiod => 31/03/2011
- Updated manuals
Update 0.9.39
- Updated requirements (see Installation Manual)
- Compare issue when object(s) didn't exist in second client.
- Checkout problems indicated in progress tracker.
- Table Information: Show fields "Maintain SQL Index" / "Maintain SIFT Index"
- Fixed: Checkin comment lost when checking in via "Pending Changes"
- Don't close "Pending Checkings" form on ESC
- Don't reopen the object designer when the "Pending Checkin" form is closed
- Don't open "Pending Checkings" when object designer is closed
Discuss this download here.
My Comments:
1.) The sorting in the "Checked out Objects" Form is a little bit confusing if you have checked out a lot of objects, because its sorted in the order how it was checked out. I think it would be better to sort it by object type and id, or even better free for the user to adjust.
2.) The "separate sets of objects CheckIn to be able to use separate CheckIn-Comments" is nice. But would be awesome if you could do that in the general Window(ctrl+alt+p) by selecting the ones you want to check in. The chance to miss one object that belongs to the "set" would be smaller and you dont have to filter it first in the Object designer. And if i can dream a littel bit, give me filters on that form :roll:
3.) I dont really like the new "Auto Check Out" option. I know my co-workers and myself,if the option is unchecked it will get forgotten way to often to manually check the objects out. Especially with the new go to definition in R2 or if you develop on an open form/report over Tools->Designer(crtl+f2), you dont stand in the object designer on that specific object to manually check it out right away. If the option is checked all the objects that i just look at will also end up in the pending checkins, wich can be quite a lot, its not unusual that i just have to change an object by i check out ~10 other objects to check where the addition fits best in, check function code, ...
Would really like to see a "check out on save" option. Acually this is very very high on my wishlist for such a tool. Hope thats even possible.
4.) The Forms dont keep their format if you change the size of the window or a column when you open it next time. (need a zup file
5.) I don't get the Merge to work without the "Live Compile" Option.
6.) The Compile Tool doesnt open if I select just one object that doesnt exist in the other database.
7.) When i open the History of an Object and compare 2 versions or view one, the client freezes. Makes sense in the "Compare selection with" option because you are able to change something, but not in the history view i think. An other thing is when i am merging i am able to close the window that ReVision opens to "unfreeze" the client and to still keep my opened Compare Tool Window. When i try the same thing with the History window, ReVision crashes and the client is still frozen and i have to kill the process.
8.) An Option to compare a version from the History with the acual active version of that object would be cool as well.
Thats it for now,
Hope to get some comments on my comments
And please dont get me wrong here, because i am just adressing the things i would like to see changed, I really like the Tool, :thumbsup: again for that
This tool adds source control to your developments, with these focus points in mind:
- Simplicity
> Easy to install
> Easy to maintain
> One-time setup
- No object changes in any database
- No change in development experience
This download is a Beta/Trial/... - version of the tool, limited to 30/04/2011. We want to collect as many feedback as possible, so please, use this forum, or the email address provided in the tool.
You can expect updates in the near future, so try to check this download regularly. To keep up-to-date of these change, you can subscribe to the thread of this download on the forum.
Included in this download:
- Setup
- User Manual
- Installation manual
More information also on my blog.
Update 0.9.42
- Ensuring compatibility for future NAV release(s)
- Re-engineering framework for SVN support (still in development)
- Extend Licensing period => 30/04/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.40
- Hotkeys available from designer windows
- Support all languages (codepage-issues)
- Check In separate sets of objects to be able to use separate CheckIn-Comments
- Table Information Tool: Quotes removed/add again when transferring to clipboard (easy searching for fields)
- Compare option: make "Live Compile" optional.
- Message "Object checked out by UserX".
- Check In comment mandatory (option)
- Improved Error Reporting
- Add versioning to revision settings files
- "Auto Check Out" option: Make the user want to choose how he wants to check out objects.
- Added useability options to have less room for faulty setup.
- Extend Licensing perdiod => 31/03/2011
- Updated manuals
Update 0.9.39
- Updated requirements (see Installation Manual)
- Compare issue when object(s) didn't exist in second client.
- Checkout problems indicated in progress tracker.
- Table Information: Show fields "Maintain SQL Index" / "Maintain SIFT Index"
- Fixed: Checkin comment lost when checking in via "Pending Changes"
- Don't close "Pending Checkings" form on ESC
- Don't reopen the object designer when the "Pending Checkin" form is closed
- Don't open "Pending Checkings" when object designer is closed
Discuss this download here.
Took a little while to actually go and use it
Haven't used everything yet, just initial testing.
So far I like what is working! =D>
Is there a way to save settings so that we don't need to setup everything on every machine?
When I used the wrong credentials for a database, it gave me an error message and then dropped the remove from the list option way off the screen and to the lower right of where the message was. It was hard to see because it blended in with an open window so I missed it the first two times. Maybe moving that to a right click option on the server?
Being a little anal retentive
The only issue for me is that the Check-in comment option isn't working.
I am using 6.0 Sp1, 5.0 sp3 and 6.0r2 executables, Win7 Enterprise 64bit and VSS2005 on the local machine connecting to a SQL server on another machine.
Also, I use two weirdo programs for text comparision, Crimson Editor and Active File Compare.
They don't seem to work, but you didn't say they would, so I will probably look into getting one of the ones you recommend and doing more testing.
This tool adds source control to your developments, with these focus points in mind:
- Simplicity
> Easy to install
> Easy to maintain
> One-time setup
- No object changes in any database
- No change in development experience
This download is a Beta/Trial/... - version of the tool, limited to 15/05/2011. We want to collect as many feedback as possible, so please, use this forum, or the email address provided in the tool.
You can expect updates in the near future, so try to check this download regularly. To keep up-to-date of these change, you can subscribe to the thread of this download on the forum.
Included in this download:
- Setup
- User Manual
- Installation manual
More information also on my blog.
Update 0.9.43
- Extend Licensing period => 15/05/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.42
- Ensuring compatibility for future NAV release(s)
- Re-engineering framework for SVN support (still in development)
- Extend Licensing period => 30/04/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.40
- Hotkeys available from designer windows
- Support all languages (codepage-issues)
- Check In separate sets of objects to be able to use separate CheckIn-Comments
- Table Information Tool: Quotes removed/add again when transferring to clipboard (easy searching for fields)
- Compare option: make "Live Compile" optional.
- Message "Object checked out by UserX".
- Check In comment mandatory (option)
- Improved Error Reporting
- Add versioning to revision settings files
- "Auto Check Out" option: Make the user want to choose how he wants to check out objects.
- Added useability options to have less room for faulty setup.
- Extend Licensing perdiod => 31/03/2011
- Updated manuals
Update 0.9.39
- Updated requirements (see Installation Manual)
- Compare issue when object(s) didn't exist in second client.
- Checkout problems indicated in progress tracker.
- Table Information: Show fields "Maintain SQL Index" / "Maintain SIFT Index"
- Fixed: Checkin comment lost when checking in via "Pending Changes"
- Don't close "Pending Checkings" form on ESC
- Don't reopen the object designer when the "Pending Checkin" form is closed
- Don't open "Pending Checkings" when object designer is closed
Discuss this download here.
This tool adds source control to your developments, with these focus points in mind:
- Simplicity
> Easy to install
> Easy to maintain
> One-time setup
- No object changes in any database
- No change in development experience
This download is a full released version of the tool, limited to 15/06/2011. After this date, no demo version will be available, which means that most features will be disabled.
BUT, to test the tool, you will be able to request a trial license, which will enable the features for a period of time.
More info on: http://www.ifactorevision.com .
Included in this download:
- Setup
- User Manual
- Installation manual
More information also on my blog.
Update 1.0.2
The first release of iFacto ReVision!
- Possibility to request for a Trial License
- Possibility to order the product
- Demo works until 15/06/2011. After this date, no demo version will be available, which means that most features will be disabled. Afterwards, you can always request a trial license to test all features.
Update 0.9.43
- Extend Licensing period => 15/05/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.42
- Ensuring compatibility for future NAV release(s)
- Re-engineering framework for SVN support (still in development)
- Extend Licensing period => 30/04/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.40
- Hotkeys available from designer windows
- Support all languages (codepage-issues)
- Check In separate sets of objects to be able to use separate CheckIn-Comments
- Table Information Tool: Quotes removed/add again when transferring to clipboard (easy searching for fields)
- Compare option: make "Live Compile" optional.
- Message "Object checked out by UserX".
- Check In comment mandatory (option)
- Improved Error Reporting
- Add versioning to revision settings files
- "Auto Check Out" option: Make the user want to choose how he wants to check out objects.
- Added useability options to have less room for faulty setup.
- Extend Licensing perdiod => 31/03/2011
- Updated manuals
Update 0.9.39
- Updated requirements (see Installation Manual)
- Compare issue when object(s) didn't exist in second client.
- Checkout problems indicated in progress tracker.
- Table Information: Show fields "Maintain SQL Index" / "Maintain SIFT Index"
- Fixed: Checkin comment lost when checking in via "Pending Changes"
- Don't close "Pending Checkings" form on ESC
- Don't reopen the object designer when the "Pending Checkin" form is closed
- Don't open "Pending Checkings" when object designer is closed
Discuss this download here.
Everything is available on http://www.ifactorevision.com, like:
- the pricelist
- the roadmap
- ...
check it out, and give your comments!
ps, blogpost is coming up ..
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
This tool adds source control to your developments, with these focus points in mind:
- Simplicity
> Easy to install
> Easy to maintain
> One-time setup
- No object changes in any database
- No change in development experience
This download is a full released version of the tool, but is limited in functionality. To be able to use it, you will have to request a trial license, which will enable the features for a period of time.
How to request a Trial License:
1. Download & install ReVision
2. Click About / Register Version
3. Copy the personal key to your clipboard
This key is the information we need to provide a license for you.
4. Create a mail to revision@ifacto.be with subject "trial license iFacto ReVision" and the copied key.
Included in this download:
- Setup
- User Manual
- Installation manual
Update 1.0.4
New features:
- Open Client from ReVision
- Roll Back object
- Merge previous version with existing version
- Show Check Out status on designer window
- Show Pending Changes on Object Designer Close
- Refined SQL Lock
Updated features:
- Checked out dialogs same manual as automatic checkout
- Checked out warning on all attempts
- revision command support on sub-designer windows
- usability UI van "Pending objects" / checkin form
- Compare tool: show files in fixed order
- Correct number of "previous checked out objects"
- R2 locked & locked by fields no longer overwritten
- TFS module update
- whitespace is not a valid mandatory comment
- repository settings are only changed on modification (instead of every time)
- resolved automatic checkin / checkout bug => subdesignerwindows
- table information close on ESC (all tabs)
- Minor inconsistencies fixed
- Updated Documentation
Update 1.0.2
The first release of iFacto ReVision!
- Possibility to request for a Trial License
- Possibility to order the product
- Demo works until 15/06/2011. After this date, no demo version will be available, which means that most features will be disabled. Afterwards, you can always request a trial license to test all features.
Update 0.9.43
- Extend Licensing period => 15/05/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.42
- Ensuring compatibility for future NAV release(s)
- Re-engineering framework for SVN support (still in development)
- Extend Licensing period => 30/04/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.40
- Hotkeys available from designer windows
- Support all languages (codepage-issues)
- Check In separate sets of objects to be able to use separate CheckIn-Comments
- Table Information Tool: Quotes removed/add again when transferring to clipboard (easy searching for fields)
- Compare option: make "Live Compile" optional.
- Message "Object checked out by UserX".
- Check In comment mandatory (option)
- Improved Error Reporting
- Add versioning to revision settings files
- "Auto Check Out" option: Make the user want to choose how he wants to check out objects.
- Added useability options to have less room for faulty setup.
- Extend Licensing perdiod => 31/03/2011
- Updated manuals
Update 0.9.39
- Updated requirements (see Installation Manual)
- Compare issue when object(s) didn't exist in second client.
- Checkout problems indicated in progress tracker.
- Table Information: Show fields "Maintain SQL Index" / "Maintain SIFT Index"
- Fixed: Checkin comment lost when checking in via "Pending Changes"
- Don't close "Pending Checkings" form on ESC
- Don't reopen the object designer when the "Pending Checkin" form is closed
- Don't open "Pending Checkings" when object designer is closed
Discuss this download here.
This tool adds source control to your developments, with these focus points in mind:
- Simplicity
> Easy to install
> Easy to maintain
> One-time setup
- No object changes in any database
- Enhanced development experience
This download is a full released version of the tool, but is limited in functionality. To be able to use it, you will have to request a trial license, which will enable the features for a period of time.
How to request a Trial License:
1. Download & install ReVision
2. Click About / Register Version
3. Click "Request Trial"
4. Fill out the online form
Included in this download:
- Setup
- User Manual
- Installation manual
Update 1.1.6
- Start Client From ReVision:
> Added Scan function to get all clients on PC
> Work with build nr instead of NAV version
> Open Client from traymenu as well
- Export/Import config for repository to simplify setup for multiple users
- Compare:
> most recent version on the right
> More intelligent folder naming
- Redesign tray menu
- SQL trigger:
> Error repressing
> Preparations for future features
- Request trial from within ReVision
- Close pending window with ESC
- Problem solved with duplicate session names
- Minor bug fixes
Update 1.0.4
New features:
- Open Client from ReVision
- Roll Back object
- Merge previous version with existing version
- Show Check Out status on designer window
- Show Pending Changes on Object Designer Close
- Refined SQL Lock
Updated features:
- Checked out dialogs same manual as automatic checkout
- Checked out warning on all attempts
- revision command support on sub-designer windows
- usability UI van "Pending objects" / checkin form
- Compare tool: show files in fixed order
- Correct number of "previous checked out objects"
- R2 locked & locked by fields no longer overwritten
- TFS module update
- whitespace is not a valid mandatory comment
- repository settings are only changed on modification (instead of every time)
- resolved automatic checkin / checkout bug => subdesignerwindows
- table information close on ESC (all tabs)
- Minor inconsistencies fixed
- Updated Documentation
Update 1.0.2
The first release of iFacto ReVision!
- Possibility to request for a Trial License
- Possibility to order the product
- Demo works until 15/06/2011. After this date, no demo version will be available, which means that most features will be disabled. Afterwards, you can always request a trial license to test all features.
Update 0.9.43
- Extend Licensing period => 15/05/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.42
- Ensuring compatibility for future NAV release(s)
- Re-engineering framework for SVN support (still in development)
- Extend Licensing period => 30/04/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.40
- Hotkeys available from designer windows
- Support all languages (codepage-issues)
- Check In separate sets of objects to be able to use separate CheckIn-Comments
- Table Information Tool: Quotes removed/add again when transferring to clipboard (easy searching for fields)
- Compare option: make "Live Compile" optional.
- Message "Object checked out by UserX".
- Check In comment mandatory (option)
- Improved Error Reporting
- Add versioning to revision settings files
- "Auto Check Out" option: Make the user want to choose how he wants to check out objects.
- Added useability options to have less room for faulty setup.
- Extend Licensing perdiod => 31/03/2011
- Updated manuals
Update 0.9.39
- Updated requirements (see Installation Manual)
- Compare issue when object(s) didn't exist in second client.
- Checkout problems indicated in progress tracker.
- Table Information: Show fields "Maintain SQL Index" / "Maintain SIFT Index"
- Fixed: Checkin comment lost when checking in via "Pending Changes"
- Don't close "Pending Checkings" form on ESC
- Don't reopen the object designer when the "Pending Checkin" form is closed
- Don't open "Pending Checkings" when object designer is closed
Discuss this download here.
This tool adds source control to your developments, with these focus points in mind:
- Simplicity
> Easy to install
> Easy to maintain
> One-time setup
- No object changes in any database
- Enhanced development experience
This download is a full released version of the tool, but is limited in functionality. To be able to use it, you will have to request a trial license, which will enable the features for a period of time.
How to request a Trial License:
1. Download & install ReVision
2. Click About / Register Version
3. Click "Request Trial"
4. Fill out the online form
Included in this download:
- Setup
- User Manual
- Installation manual
Update 1.2.2
- Proven 'NAV7' compatibility
- Open client:
> Added RTC client support
> You can now open DEV sessions, NAV clients and even start RTC sessions from ReVision.
- Source Control:
> Integration with NAV 2009 R2 'Locked/LockedBy' fields
> Compare an object with last checked in version
> Show object history from 'Pending changes' dialog
> More detailed error descriptions on source control module
- Compare:
> option to exclude Date/Time/Modified flags from exported files
> Compare an object with last checked in version
> doesn't checkout object anymore when 'Live Compile' is disabled
> Compare entire database at once instead of selecting all objects
- 'Select Object From fob', marks all objects in the object designer found in specified FOB file
- Improved performance windowhandlers
- Cancellation is also allowed for 'Synchronise All'
- ReVision windows are no longer locked onto NAV
- Fixed major TFS bug (only in v1.1.6): objects get unlocked when reconnection session
- Fixed icon problem in 'ProgressTracker'
- Solved problem with duplicate session names in different repositories
Update 1.1.6
- Start Client From ReVision:
> Added Scan function to get all clients on PC
> Work with build nr instead of NAV version
> Open Client from traymenu as well
- Export/Import config for repository to simplify setup for multiple users
- Compare:
> most recent version on the right
> More intelligent folder naming
- Redesign tray menu
- SQL trigger:
> Error repressing
> Preparations for future features
- Request trial from within ReVision
- Close pending window with ESC
- Problem solved with duplicate session names
- Minor bug fixes
Update 1.0.4
New features:
- Open Client from ReVision
- Roll Back object
- Merge previous version with existing version
- Show Check Out status on designer window
- Show Pending Changes on Object Designer Close
- Refined SQL Lock
Updated features:
- Checked out dialogs same manual as automatic checkout
- Checked out warning on all attempts
- revision command support on sub-designer windows
- usability UI van "Pending objects" / checkin form
- Compare tool: show files in fixed order
- Correct number of "previous checked out objects"
- R2 locked & locked by fields no longer overwritten
- TFS module update
- whitespace is not a valid mandatory comment
- repository settings are only changed on modification (instead of every time)
- resolved automatic checkin / checkout bug => subdesignerwindows
- table information close on ESC (all tabs)
- Minor inconsistencies fixed
- Updated Documentation
Update 1.0.2
The first release of iFacto ReVision!
- Possibility to request for a Trial License
- Possibility to order the product
- Demo works until 15/06/2011. After this date, no demo version will be available, which means that most features will be disabled. Afterwards, you can always request a trial license to test all features.
Update 0.9.43
- Extend Licensing period => 15/05/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.42
- Ensuring compatibility for future NAV release(s)
- Re-engineering framework for SVN support (still in development)
- Extend Licensing period => 30/04/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.40
- Hotkeys available from designer windows
- Support all languages (codepage-issues)
- Check In separate sets of objects to be able to use separate CheckIn-Comments
- Table Information Tool: Quotes removed/add again when transferring to clipboard (easy searching for fields)
- Compare option: make "Live Compile" optional.
- Message "Object checked out by UserX".
- Check In comment mandatory (option)
- Improved Error Reporting
- Add versioning to revision settings files
- "Auto Check Out" option: Make the user want to choose how he wants to check out objects.
- Added useability options to have less room for faulty setup.
- Extend Licensing perdiod => 31/03/2011
- Updated manuals
Update 0.9.39
- Updated requirements (see Installation Manual)
- Compare issue when object(s) didn't exist in second client.
- Checkout problems indicated in progress tracker.
- Table Information: Show fields "Maintain SQL Index" / "Maintain SIFT Index"
- Fixed: Checkin comment lost when checking in via "Pending Changes"
- Don't close "Pending Checkings" form on ESC
- Don't reopen the object designer when the "Pending Checkin" form is closed
- Don't open "Pending Checkings" when object designer is closed
Discuss this download here.
ReVision version 1.2.2 (trial)
Repository: Team Foundation Server
NAV environment: NAV 5.0 SP1 SQL
Windows logins are being used.
I the examples below, I am using my desktop computer to connect to the database.
I have two separate databases (DEV and LIVE), each on their own server. Both are monitored by ReVision (though I'm beginning to wonder if I really need to monitor live... but I'm getting off track).
Possible Bug Issue
Automatic check out is turned on, automatic check in is turned off, comment mandatory is turned on.
I open DEV
I open Object Designer
I make some object changes
WITHOUT closing the object designer, I click File > 2, which selects my recent database connection to LIVE
ReVision will attempt to perform a check in, which fails because it can't resolve the links!
Review comments
1. How does ReVision communicate between different companies, for instance if my company (end user) and my consultant want to both develop? Note that they have their own DEV server.
2. Using UltraCompare and Notepad++ as my chosen editors works pretty well. Rollback and merging is cake!
3. Using Source Control > select Objects from FOB is nice, but it does make a big importance on getting object releases in TXT format from my consultant when we may have version conflict to merge
4. The check-in comment is global to all objects you are checking in - can we have it per object? I tend to work on several objects at a time, and saying "Added verification step to OnQueryClose: check for foobar" may apply to my form I was working on, but doesn't apply to the report!
5. Check-in comment doesn't allow for formatting, such as line breaks.
6. Can there be an option to copy the Check-in comment to the object’s documentation section, or possibly another text field in the check-in form where Object Documentation section could be edited?
Overall, I'm pressuring my manager to include this in our budget! very exciting product!
Systems Analyst
NAV 2009 R2 (6.00.34463)
On an object, open the source control history. Select a line and press CTRL + C on the keyboard (I was hoping to copy the comments).
I receive the following error:
Unhandled exception has occurred in your application.... Current thread must be st to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked on it.
the dialog has options for continue or quit, selecting continue allows for a graceful recovery as if nothing happened.
Systems Analyst
NAV 2009 R2 (6.00.34463)
This tool adds source control to your developments, with these focus points in mind:
- Simplicity
> Easy to install
> Easy to maintain
> One-time setup
- No object changes in any database
- Enhanced development experience
This download is a full released version of the tool, but is limited in functionality. To be able to use it, you will have to request a trial license, which will enable the features for a period of time.
How to request a Trial License:
1. Download & install ReVision
2. Click About / Register Version
3. Click "Request Trial"
4. Fill out the online form
Included in this download:
- Setup
- User Manual
- Installation manual
Update 1.2.3
- Compare developments with last checked in version
- Lock NAV to Build: not able anymore to open a NAV client with the wrong build
- Improved UI handling
- Improved interop with NAV Clients
- Improved memory addressing
- Preparation of improved TFS interop
- Changes in the framework in order to support NAV 7.
Update 1.2.2
- Proven 'NAV7' compatibility
- Open client:
> Added RTC client support
> You can now open DEV sessions, NAV clients and even start RTC sessions from ReVision.
- Source Control:
> Integration with NAV 2009 R2 'Locked/LockedBy' fields
> Compare an object with last checked in version
> Show object history from 'Pending changes' dialog
> More detailed error descriptions on source control module
- Compare:
> option to exclude Date/Time/Modified flags from exported files
> Compare an object with last checked in version
> doesn't checkout object anymore when 'Live Compile' is disabled
> Compare entire database at once instead of selecting all objects
- 'Select Object From fob', marks all objects in the object designer found in specified FOB file
- Improved performance windowhandlers
- Cancellation is also allowed for 'Synchronise All'
- ReVision windows are no longer locked onto NAV
- Fixed major TFS bug (only in v1.1.6): objects get unlocked when reconnection session
- Fixed icon problem in 'ProgressTracker'
- Solved problem with duplicate session names in different repositories
Update 1.1.6
- Start Client From ReVision:
> Added Scan function to get all clients on PC
> Work with build nr instead of NAV version
> Open Client from traymenu as well
- Export/Import config for repository to simplify setup for multiple users
- Compare:
> most recent version on the right
> More intelligent folder naming
- Redesign tray menu
- SQL trigger:
> Error repressing
> Preparations for future features
- Request trial from within ReVision
- Close pending window with ESC
- Problem solved with duplicate session names
- Minor bug fixes
Update 1.0.4
New features:
- Open Client from ReVision
- Roll Back object
- Merge previous version with existing version
- Show Check Out status on designer window
- Show Pending Changes on Object Designer Close
- Refined SQL Lock
Updated features:
- Checked out dialogs same manual as automatic checkout
- Checked out warning on all attempts
- revision command support on sub-designer windows
- usability UI van "Pending objects" / checkin form
- Compare tool: show files in fixed order
- Correct number of "previous checked out objects"
- R2 locked & locked by fields no longer overwritten
- TFS module update
- whitespace is not a valid mandatory comment
- repository settings are only changed on modification (instead of every time)
- resolved automatic checkin / checkout bug => subdesignerwindows
- table information close on ESC (all tabs)
- Minor inconsistencies fixed
- Updated Documentation
Update 1.0.2
The first release of iFacto ReVision!
- Possibility to request for a Trial License
- Possibility to order the product
- Demo works until 15/06/2011. After this date, no demo version will be available, which means that most features will be disabled. Afterwards, you can always request a trial license to test all features.
Update 0.9.43
- Extend Licensing period => 15/05/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.42
- Ensuring compatibility for future NAV release(s)
- Re-engineering framework for SVN support (still in development)
- Extend Licensing period => 30/04/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.40
- Hotkeys available from designer windows
- Support all languages (codepage-issues)
- Check In separate sets of objects to be able to use separate CheckIn-Comments
- Table Information Tool: Quotes removed/add again when transferring to clipboard (easy searching for fields)
- Compare option: make "Live Compile" optional.
- Message "Object checked out by UserX".
- Check In comment mandatory (option)
- Improved Error Reporting
- Add versioning to revision settings files
- "Auto Check Out" option: Make the user want to choose how he wants to check out objects.
- Added useability options to have less room for faulty setup.
- Extend Licensing perdiod => 31/03/2011
- Updated manuals
Update 0.9.39
- Updated requirements (see Installation Manual)
- Compare issue when object(s) didn't exist in second client.
- Checkout problems indicated in progress tracker.
- Table Information: Show fields "Maintain SQL Index" / "Maintain SIFT Index"
- Fixed: Checkin comment lost when checking in via "Pending Changes"
- Don't close "Pending Checkings" form on ESC
- Don't reopen the object designer when the "Pending Checkin" form is closed
- Don't open "Pending Checkings" when object designer is closed
Discuss this download here.
What really amazes me is how do you read the object selection in the object designer??
I have spend days researching how I could do that. Can you hint me?? Much appreciated. 8)
This tool adds source control to your developments, with these focus points in mind:
- Simplicity
> Easy to install
> Easy to maintain
> One-time setup
- No object changes in any database
- Enhanced development experience
This download is a full released version of the tool, but is limited in functionality. To be able to use it, you will have to request a trial license, which will enable the features for 3 months.
How to request a Trial License:
1. Download & install ReVision
2. Click About / Register Version
3. Click "Request Trial"
4. Fill out the online form
Included in this download:
- Setup
- User Manual
- Installation manual
iFacto ReVision interfaces with all clients from NAV 4.0 SP3 and above. NAV2013 is in beta though. You can report all issues with it at revision@ifacto.be .
Update 1.3.1
- Mergetool Integration
- Search repository
- Enhanced RTC links (including webservices)
- Reworked menu
- Improved stability
Update 1.2.3
- Compare developments with last checked in version
- Lock NAV to Build: not able anymore to open a NAV client with the wrong build
- Improved UI handling
- Improved interop with NAV Clients
- Improved memory addressing
- Preparation of improved TFS interop
- Changes in the framework in order to support NAV 7.
Update 1.2.2
- Proven 'NAV7' compatibility
- Open client:
> Added RTC client support
> You can now open DEV sessions, NAV clients and even start RTC sessions from ReVision.
- Source Control:
> Integration with NAV 2009 R2 'Locked/LockedBy' fields
> Compare an object with last checked in version
> Show object history from 'Pending changes' dialog
> More detailed error descriptions on source control module
- Compare:
> option to exclude Date/Time/Modified flags from exported files
> Compare an object with last checked in version
> doesn't checkout object anymore when 'Live Compile' is disabled
> Compare entire database at once instead of selecting all objects
- 'Select Object From fob', marks all objects in the object designer found in specified FOB file
- Improved performance windowhandlers
- Cancellation is also allowed for 'Synchronise All'
- ReVision windows are no longer locked onto NAV
- Fixed major TFS bug (only in v1.1.6): objects get unlocked when reconnection session
- Fixed icon problem in 'ProgressTracker'
- Solved problem with duplicate session names in different repositories
Update 1.1.6
- Start Client From ReVision:
> Added Scan function to get all clients on PC
> Work with build nr instead of NAV version
> Open Client from traymenu as well
- Export/Import config for repository to simplify setup for multiple users
- Compare:
> most recent version on the right
> More intelligent folder naming
- Redesign tray menu
- SQL trigger:
> Error repressing
> Preparations for future features
- Request trial from within ReVision
- Close pending window with ESC
- Problem solved with duplicate session names
- Minor bug fixes
Update 1.0.4
New features:
- Open Client from ReVision
- Roll Back object
- Merge previous version with existing version
- Show Check Out status on designer window
- Show Pending Changes on Object Designer Close
- Refined SQL Lock
Updated features:
- Checked out dialogs same manual as automatic checkout
- Checked out warning on all attempts
- revision command support on sub-designer windows
- usability UI van "Pending objects" / checkin form
- Compare tool: show files in fixed order
- Correct number of "previous checked out objects"
- R2 locked & locked by fields no longer overwritten
- TFS module update
- whitespace is not a valid mandatory comment
- repository settings are only changed on modification (instead of every time)
- resolved automatic checkin / checkout bug => subdesignerwindows
- table information close on ESC (all tabs)
- Minor inconsistencies fixed
- Updated Documentation
Update 1.0.2
The first release of iFacto ReVision!
- Possibility to request for a Trial License
- Possibility to order the product
- Demo works until 15/06/2011. After this date, no demo version will be available, which means that most features will be disabled. Afterwards, you can always request a trial license to test all features.
Update 0.9.43
- Extend Licensing period => 15/05/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.42
- Ensuring compatibility for future NAV release(s)
- Re-engineering framework for SVN support (still in development)
- Extend Licensing period => 30/04/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.40
- Hotkeys available from designer windows
- Support all languages (codepage-issues)
- Check In separate sets of objects to be able to use separate CheckIn-Comments
- Table Information Tool: Quotes removed/add again when transferring to clipboard (easy searching for fields)
- Compare option: make "Live Compile" optional.
- Message "Object checked out by UserX".
- Check In comment mandatory (option)
- Improved Error Reporting
- Add versioning to revision settings files
- "Auto Check Out" option: Make the user want to choose how he wants to check out objects.
- Added useability options to have less room for faulty setup.
- Extend Licensing perdiod => 31/03/2011
- Updated manuals
Update 0.9.39
- Updated requirements (see Installation Manual)
- Compare issue when object(s) didn't exist in second client.
- Checkout problems indicated in progress tracker.
- Table Information: Show fields "Maintain SQL Index" / "Maintain SIFT Index"
- Fixed: Checkin comment lost when checking in via "Pending Changes"
- Don't close "Pending Checkings" form on ESC
- Don't reopen the object designer when the "Pending Checkin" form is closed
- Don't open "Pending Checkings" when object designer is closed
Discuss this download here.
This tool adds source control to your developments, with these focus points in mind:
- Simplicity
> Easy to install
> Easy to maintain
> One-time setup
- No object changes in any database
- Enhanced development experience
This download is a full released version of the tool, but is limited in functionality. To be able to use it, you will have to request a trial license, which will enable the features for 3 months.
How to request a Trial License:
1. Download & install ReVision
2. Click About / Register Version
3. Click "Request Trial"
4. Fill out the online form
Included in this download:
- Setup
- User Manual
- Installation manual
iFacto ReVision interfaces with all clients from NAV 4.0 SP3 and above. You can report all issues at revision@ifacto.be .
When suffering crashes in NAV2013, you should re-install the .Net Framework 4.5 (+reboot).
Update 2013 Release
- Refinded NAV2013 support
- Tested and approved NAV2013 interface
- Minor bugfixes
- Improved stability
Update 1.3.1
- Mergetool Integration
- Search repository
- Enhanced RTC links (including webservices)
- Reworked menu
- Improved stability
Update 1.2.3
- Compare developments with last checked in version
- Lock NAV to Build: not able anymore to open a NAV client with the wrong build
- Improved UI handling
- Improved interop with NAV Clients
- Improved memory addressing
- Preparation of improved TFS interop
- Changes in the framework in order to support NAV 7.
Update 1.2.2
- Proven 'NAV7' compatibility
- Open client:
> Added RTC client support
> You can now open DEV sessions, NAV clients and even start RTC sessions from ReVision.
- Source Control:
> Integration with NAV 2009 R2 'Locked/LockedBy' fields
> Compare an object with last checked in version
> Show object history from 'Pending changes' dialog
> More detailed error descriptions on source control module
- Compare:
> option to exclude Date/Time/Modified flags from exported files
> Compare an object with last checked in version
> doesn't checkout object anymore when 'Live Compile' is disabled
> Compare entire database at once instead of selecting all objects
- 'Select Object From fob', marks all objects in the object designer found in specified FOB file
- Improved performance windowhandlers
- Cancellation is also allowed for 'Synchronise All'
- ReVision windows are no longer locked onto NAV
- Fixed major TFS bug (only in v1.1.6): objects get unlocked when reconnection session
- Fixed icon problem in 'ProgressTracker'
- Solved problem with duplicate session names in different repositories
Update 1.1.6
- Start Client From ReVision:
> Added Scan function to get all clients on PC
> Work with build nr instead of NAV version
> Open Client from traymenu as well
- Export/Import config for repository to simplify setup for multiple users
- Compare:
> most recent version on the right
> More intelligent folder naming
- Redesign tray menu
- SQL trigger:
> Error repressing
> Preparations for future features
- Request trial from within ReVision
- Close pending window with ESC
- Problem solved with duplicate session names
- Minor bug fixes
Update 1.0.4
New features:
- Open Client from ReVision
- Roll Back object
- Merge previous version with existing version
- Show Check Out status on designer window
- Show Pending Changes on Object Designer Close
- Refined SQL Lock
Updated features:
- Checked out dialogs same manual as automatic checkout
- Checked out warning on all attempts
- revision command support on sub-designer windows
- usability UI van "Pending objects" / checkin form
- Compare tool: show files in fixed order
- Correct number of "previous checked out objects"
- R2 locked & locked by fields no longer overwritten
- TFS module update
- whitespace is not a valid mandatory comment
- repository settings are only changed on modification (instead of every time)
- resolved automatic checkin / checkout bug => subdesignerwindows
- table information close on ESC (all tabs)
- Minor inconsistencies fixed
- Updated Documentation
Update 1.0.2
The first release of iFacto ReVision!
- Possibility to request for a Trial License
- Possibility to order the product
- Demo works until 15/06/2011. After this date, no demo version will be available, which means that most features will be disabled. Afterwards, you can always request a trial license to test all features.
Update 0.9.43
- Extend Licensing period => 15/05/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.42
- Ensuring compatibility for future NAV release(s)
- Re-engineering framework for SVN support (still in development)
- Extend Licensing period => 30/04/2011
- Minor bugfixes
Update 0.9.40
- Hotkeys available from designer windows
- Support all languages (codepage-issues)
- Check In separate sets of objects to be able to use separate CheckIn-Comments
- Table Information Tool: Quotes removed/add again when transferring to clipboard (easy searching for fields)
- Compare option: make "Live Compile" optional.
- Message "Object checked out by UserX".
- Check In comment mandatory (option)
- Improved Error Reporting
- Add versioning to revision settings files
- "Auto Check Out" option: Make the user want to choose how he wants to check out objects.
- Added useability options to have less room for faulty setup.
- Extend Licensing perdiod => 31/03/2011
- Updated manuals
Update 0.9.39
- Updated requirements (see Installation Manual)
- Compare issue when object(s) didn't exist in second client.
- Checkout problems indicated in progress tracker.
- Table Information: Show fields "Maintain SQL Index" / "Maintain SIFT Index"
- Fixed: Checkin comment lost when checking in via "Pending Changes"
- Don't close "Pending Checkings" form on ESC
- Don't reopen the object designer when the "Pending Checkin" form is closed
- Don't open "Pending Checkings" when object designer is closed
Discuss this download here.