Compare two reports?

yuppicideyuppicide Member Posts: 410
edited 2011-02-07 in Navision Attain
Nav 3.10

Is there something used to compare to reports? For example, there's software I can compare two text files and find differences.

I have some reports that should output data in the same format, but only now we noticed they are not.

Sorry for all the description. I would show you screen shots, but our warehouse guy got a virus/adware which screwed up his computer. So, they made me uninstall all my software because the network tech says nothing is free and everything contains spyware/viruses. What a joke. I use free graphic editor GiMP on a daily basis, BullZIP, Filezilla FTP, etc.

Anyway, an example of the problem:

A Posted Invoice shows a Size Breakdown of S M L XL 1X 2X 3X and OS (One Size).. these are clothing sizes. It will also print the total qty for that line (adds a the amount under sizes), also prints Unit Price and Total Price for that line. At the bottom of the report it gives a total of all the lines.

The problem is on a Posted Credit memo we notice they're printing wrong. For example:

1 - Qty shows as 335.. yet S is 44, M is 45, L is 22. Qty should say 111.

2 - Unit Price is $8.25. The Total Price is showing as $2763.75 (335 Qty x $8.25) when it should show as $915.75 (111 x $8.25).

3 - The quantities are showing up in the wrong place. On Sales Invoice the sizes show up under the size they should, but on here it just shows up in the first available slot. For example the item above from #1 is a plus size item (1X, 2X, 3X) but it's showing the qty under S, M, L. This goes true for any item we enter. We have some items that are OS (One Size) only. That Qty shows up under S.

4 - The total on the bottom of the page calculates correctly however.


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Without a dev license you can't export it as a text file. Which then you can compare.

    What you need to do is to look at the c/al code (f9) on each trigger & view sections & (f9) on each body section to view the code to fugure out where it goes wrong.

    Seems like a clear report modification gone wrong.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    take a look at beyond compare.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • yuppicideyuppicide Member Posts: 410
    I went into Sales Invoice. Looked at C/AL Code and noticed this:


    SizeStartPos := 0;
    FOR Loop := 1 TO 10 DO
    IF MatrixSizeHeading[Loop] = SizeCode.Code THEN
    SizeStartPos := Loop;

    Sounds like I could be on to something. I also noticed xBMIf in there, but when I there's nothing under that section, so I am assuming it's okay not to even add to functions. I went ahead and added that code.

    So, I added CalcSizeStartPos to C/AL Globals and then went into local and added a variable called Loop as Integer. I also needed to add MatrixSizeHeading Code 10 and SizeStartPos Integer to my C/AL Global variables.

    When I try to compile it says:

    "Type conversion is not possible because 1 of the operators contains an invalid type. Char = Code."
  • yuppicideyuppicide Member Posts: 410
    .. maybe now I can get back to looking at this. Been a crazy week with almost NO Navision all week.

    Windows 2003 SBS tried to run an update, although instead of rebooting it shutdown.

    In the process I guess that server had locked down stuff (files?) on the Navision server.. so nobody could access it.

    It wasn't as simple as a reboot. Our network consultant finally set us up a temporary access somehow. He awhile trying to figure a solution, then spent like 15 - 25 minutes configuring each machine until a time when he can get to our office and do the correct fix.
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