Automatic Cost Adjustment..

jaiverma2k2jaiverma2k2 Member Posts: 112
In Inventory Setup - Automatic cost Adjustment there are four option -
I want to run this cost adjustment run automatically on weekly basis, so if i configure it as weekly.
not able to figure out when and how this is going to be run.
please suggest.
Jai Verma


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    What does it say when you click f1 on the field?
  • jaiverma2k2jaiverma2k2 Member Posts: 112
    On Press of F1 -
    Day - Costs are adjusted if posting occurs within one day from the work date.

    Week - Costs are adjusted if posting occurs within one week from the work date.

    Month - Costs are adjusted if posting occurs within one month from the work date.

    Not able to understand the meaning as posting is the routine transaction
    Jai Verma
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    Well, F1 gives more then just that and also gives a link to the Adjust Cost - Item Entries Batch.
    The field in Inventory setup has nothing to do with running the batch automagically. There is a good whitepaper existing for Inventory Costing. You can find it on partnersource or if you don't have access ask your partner to get it for you.
    To run Cost Adjustment automatically you will need to schedule it via Job Queue (but you will also need to make a small modification so that the progress bar is not opened when run by a NAS)
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
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