Show PDF in NAV form

MarcusM2MarcusM2 Member Posts: 3
Hi all,

Is there a way to show PDF document directly in NAV (v. 5), or to dynamically control PDF reader from NAV code ?
My problem is the following : my list form is based on a table containing .pdf documents file name, and I would like to have a control in my form showing the pdf document selected, and update this preview as I select another record (or update the document shown on pdf reader if it's not possible directly in NAV).

Thanks for your help


  • dkonedkone Member Posts: 59
    Hi Marcus,

    A way is to use shell command. So you can launch your PDF easily, with something like :

    MyCommandText =  "AcroRd32.exe " + MyPdfFileName;
    SHELL (MyCommandText);



    EDIT : I misread your post and reply to quickly... A post that could help you : viewtopic.php?f=23&t=8309
  • MarcusM2MarcusM2 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for your answer DKone. I put an Hyperlink command on a button and it woeks well, but i would like to have something more dynamic, I mean like a picture box in an item card : picture showed in NAV changes as user get to another item card. The aim is to have scanned image (pdf) of purchase invoices embeded into NAV
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