Export to Excel

bekiobekio Member Posts: 204

I am trying to export items(200 items) to excel using send to Excel button, from list form and i am getting this error:
"The expression Automation ID cannot be type-converted to a Integer value"

What i am missing here? :?:



  • bekiobekio Member Posts: 204
    Any Suggestions for this!
  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    try to debug and see where the debugger stops.
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  • bekiobekio Member Posts: 204
    When i try to debugg it, stops just displaying this code:
    "The source code is not available."
  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    strange error...i don't know what can it be, do you have developer license?
    "Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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  • bekiobekio Member Posts: 204
    Yes, i have developer licence. When i try to debug even with Breakpoint on trigger, or using Client Monitor, it does not goes to some codeunit or whatever, but just straight to this.
  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    try to hide some fields in the list and then reexport it. you'll eventually manage to export the list: if so, there's some field that's messing the exportation, otherwise, there is another problem (i don't know what can it be). :-k
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  • bekiobekio Member Posts: 204
    I am using default NAVISION Send to Excel Button in the toolbar.
    I have tried even with one field on some list form, but the same error. :(
  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    Can you replicate the problem on a cronus?
    did you compile all the setup correctly? (i mean the send-to programs table etc...)
    if so, i would try to reinstall nav and/or excel, but i don't know if it would help...maybe someone has a better idea :-k
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  • bekiobekio Member Posts: 204
    No in cronus is not happening.
    I have compiled all the objects, even sent to table with data.

    I dont know exactly.

    Attached is a photo of error, while debugg.
  • SaalekSaalek Member Posts: 181

    I had similar problem with vendor ledger entry form.
    In my case, the problem is with "External Doc no." field. The reason is that we have a value (1,234,23) and when Navision try to export to excel, it manage this information as a number, but in my country configuration (i don't know how is in english, but it is in the control panel) I have that number separator is "." instead ",", so it give me a error message.

    If I change field value to 123423, the error disapears

  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    i guess that it's that addon (Navmobile) which is causing the problems. Ask the people who sold it to you to fix it, and hand you over the source code (if you bought the add-on, you own the code!).
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