Excel Not Found error

rksaurabhrksaurabh Member Posts: 18
HI all,

I have a issue with excel import. i have a codeunit which i am using to import data from csv file.

I am using NAS that's why cannot use dataport so using codeunit.

IF the system is having excel installed it's working fine but if excel is not installed it's throwing an error as

"Excel not found". since on server where NAS is ruuning there will no excel installed.

IS there any possibility so that i can import data from csv file without installing office.


  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    don't use excel to import the csv, but use NAV "file" functions. to read copy and import the file
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  • rksaurabhrksaurabh Member Posts: 18
    Belias wrote:
    don't use excel to import the csv, but use NAV "file" functions. to read copy and import the file
    But nav "file" functions don't have function to import from a file.
    Can u please elaborate it little bit. thank you belias
  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    You have to read the file through "file functions" (OPEN, READ....) and then you can copy the file line to a text variable. after that, use string management functions (copystr, STRPOS on your separator etc...) to move the values from the variable to your fields.
    try to search mibuso for some keyword, i'm sure there are a lot of examples
    "Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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