Sales Invoice Export

Horse06Horse06 Member Posts: 496
Hi Expert, I need your help. I programmed the sales invoice exporting to excel sheet. When running the code, the excel sheet didn't come up. I have programmed several reports - exporting to excel sheet like this recently and they work. Why does this not work? Appreciate it!


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    The only answer that can be derived from the info provided is ..." you did something wrong"
  • Horse06Horse06 Member Posts: 496
    Thank you, Harry! You are right. One line of code is missing. It has been solved.
  • Horse06Horse06 Member Posts: 496
    I have another question. When exporting and if the sales invoice line has has only one item, the export data is fine, but if the sales invoice line has multiple items, the data will not be exported. How to solve this? Appreciate it!
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