Hi all,
I have a tick-box set up on the Purchase Order report's Request Form (Options tab) set up so that when I hit the Print button on a Purchase Order form, it chooses which printer to print on (choice is between standard HP printer and a PDF printer).
The user now wishes to have both a Print and an Email button on the PO main form, and not use the report's tick-box. So now from each button, I must mimic the user ticking the box.
But I am unsure as how to pass a TRUE/FALSE value to the tick box on the report from the form's buttons.
It seems that the Print button runs codeunits, etc. that seem a little bewildering at best, hence why I am asking the question here.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Then each menu item you can deal with seperately.
Calling/assigning a report or codeunit or whatever and you have the ability to use code if needed.
There are only two options needed - just Print and Email (as PDF).
User just wants to click on a button for either, rather than have unnecessary clicks.
Is there anything I can do to manipulate the tickbox on a report's options tab from a form?
And thanks a million for getting back to me.
There are tons of posts about passing parameters.
Form 50 Puchase Order
Add Variable "My Report" Type "Report" Subtype "Parameter Pass test"
*Pass Parameter test is that report you're trying to run.
Add a menu Button On The Form - with 2 menu items. (Print & PDF+Email)
The C/al code under Print is: The C/al code under PDF+Email is: This will pass either a "0" or "1" to my report.
In the report "Parameter Pass Test" I've added a function called "GetGlobalParameters"
Under "Local" I've added
Under Global I've added
"vDocumentType"=Option(Quote,Order,Invoice,Credit memo,Blanket order,ReturnOrder)
Purchheader->Record->Purchase Header
In the Request Form (Used to show you that the parameters actually change)
Drop a textbox - SourceExp="vDocumentNo"
Drop Two Option Buttons - Sourcexp="VPrintType" for both & One has OptionValue="Print" & The Other has OptionValue="PDF+Email"
You can even Drop another Option Button if you want to see..
SourceExp="vDocumentType" Option Value="Order"
Do the others if you wish.
Save. Now when you click the menubutton from the purchase header - it will open the report and you will see the document type & document no as well as the print type is passed.
See Vid Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrgJ81YzeVc
Incorporate something similar to your stuff & You are on your way.
Use this Knowledge Wisely & Go Forth Young Developer!
Here's the mini report in used in the vid: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SwG ... dit?hl=en#
Thank you so much for your input.
Problem is I am a Java developer by default, so getting my head around NAV is quite a mind-bender, especially when you are looking at code that has been customised since 1993!
I have seen and attempted to code with the passing of a parameter, and that would be fine say if it was passing a parameter from a form to a report, but I have seen very little in terms of passing a parameter to the Request Form of a report, and that is what is confusing me, especially with the button calling out to codeunits, etc.
I'll will give what you suggested a go - I will still try for separate buttons though, as a drop-down list is a no-go with the user (a director of the company!).
Will let you know how I progress over the next day or so (I am an IT admin supporting a selection of various systems and not just NAV).
I passed from form to report 3 things:
The Order No, The Order Type & The "PrintType" Option
I just did that to show you visually that they do change. But If you are passing parameters to the report - you don't need a request form. If the user wanted a request form then you can keep your report as it is.
PS I like the menu item button over 2 command buttons for cleanliness & organization. You can add other options in the future if needed like Fax or Scan, etc.
Good Luck hope it works out for you.