Currently working on a large project to upgrade an existing website to use DynamicsNAV Web Services. I keep comming back to same issue again and again and wondered if anyone can answer this limitiation I have with webservices.
I have a PAGE, the page is based on a TemporaryTable (SourceTableTemporary=Yes). The purpose of the temporary table is to join two tables together and present as one list in date order to web user. The joined temporary table will contain 'Customer Calls' and 'Returns' for a specific customer.
On the event OnOpenPage I have created a function to add records from both tables to the temporary table, this all works fine BUT the filters are not applied until AFTER the temporary table has been built thus it builds temporary table for all 10000+ records prior to applying filter (Which is a far to slow!!). I have tired using the C/Side command GETFILTERS on the OnOpenPage but it only returns the filters applied at design time to the page not the ones applied through the web service.
This is my small C# test harness to apply a filter on the customer number to the page but this is not applied unitil temp table is built:
// Create instance of service and set credentials.
SvcCustomerReturnCallBuffer_Service service = new SvcCustomerReturnCallBuffer_Service();
service.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
// Create filter to return Calls & Returns History.
List<SvcCustomerReturnCallBuffer_Filter> filterArray = new List<SvcCustomerReturnCallBuffer_Filter>();
SvcCustomerReturnCallBuffer_Filter CustomerFilter = new SvcCustomerReturnCallBuffer_Filter();
CustomerFilter.Field = SvcCustomerReturnCallBuffer_Fields.Customer_No;
CustomerFilter.Criteria = "ACC1534";
// Read data - Takes ages to return from this method as builds TemporaryTable then applys customer filter
SvcCustomerReturnCallBuffer[] results = service.ReadMultiple(filterArray.ToArray(), null,0);
//Print full list
Console.WriteLine("Full list...");
So my question is... Is it possible to pickup the filters applied though the WebService call? If so i can then apply those filters as i build up the temporary table. Globals are not persisted though separate calls so I am a little stuck!
Thank you
I am not sure what you mean by 'set function'? The filters are definatly being passed from C# thought to the middle tier but are not being applied until after the OnPageLoad. So i cannot get the value of the filters to build the temporary table
On the DynamicsNAV Page I added an extra column with the global value, gPassedFilterValues. OnPageLoad i set gPassedFilterValues = GETFILTERS(); but no filter values are picked up at this point.
It looks as though the filters are picked up and applied after the OnPageLoad has finished
have you tried to run the ReadMultiple with a "simple" filter?
I had done a small test with the vendor and I got the result I want.
and get same results, i still cannot pickup the FILTER strings OnPageLoad within web service page to apply to temporary table i build...
Lars at Microsoft thinks it maybe a know limitation/issue, but if you know/can think of a work around that would be great. I'm sure other people will want to create web services based on Temporary tables and be able to pass filters to them without the temporary table containing every customer record.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Is there already a solution for it? (other than creating a real table)
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Note this onbly works if there is at least one record in the real table - otherwise OnAfterGetRecord is never called because the NAV webservice is trying to be too "smart". I think this is the reason I couldn't make the SourceTableTemporary work.
It's a while ago since i look at this so apologies if cannot quite recollect
You can definitely apply filters from the application consuming the web service as that is what the filters parameter of the ReadMultiple does. i.e: .ReadMultiple(filterArray.ToArray(), null,0);
With regards to the hundreds and thousands of records, I thought this was going to be a problem with my method too (i.e. it would read the whole table, then filter after) but strangely it didn't seem to do that - as it was a lot faster than when I just called the list of all records. I can't confirm this for sure, but *maybe* this is one of those "efficiencies" that NAV WS have tried to build in.
It might (or might not) be related to the paging I used (never expected more than 3 records in my call so I page on 10) .ReadMultiple(filterArray.ToArray(), null,10);