When calling a Dynamics NAV webservice from .NET-code, any run-time errors (built-in errors, ERROR, FIELDERROR etc.) raised in C/SIDE will appear as exceptions in your .NET code. The exception messages on my system are in ENU (English US), but our customers would like to see them in e.g. NLD (Dutch).
Does anybody know which factor determines the language being used by the WS in exception messages?
Kind regards,
Jan Hoek
Product Developer
Mprise Products B.V.
sorry for dragging this up again, but as I've got the same question...is there anybody who knows an answer? :idea:
Control Panel -> Clock, Language and Region -> Region and Language -> Administrative -> Change language for non-Unicode programs.
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/nav/archive/201 ... gle+Reader
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n