Auto Apply Customer/Vendor Payments

deprodepro Member Posts: 46

I`m trying to auto apply customer/vendor payments during bank statement import.

I`m importing Bank Statement directly to General Journal Lines.
Then serching for matching entries and put GenJnlLine."Document No." in "Customer/Vendor Ledger Entries"."Applies-to ID";

But during posting my payment does not apply with invoises.

I`m examinating Codeunits 101, 111 and Forms: 232 and 233.
But in code there i can not find any other field which is beeing modified during applying entries.

Probably i`m missing somethig, but in debugger i can`t find my mistake.



  • kitikkitik Member Posts: 230
    You need to fill the "Applies-to ..." fields from the General Journal Line. Try to see how the standard fills those fields when doing it manually.

    Laura Nicolàs
    Author of the book Implementing Dynamics NAV 2013
    Cursos Dynamics NAV (spanish) : - A new lesson released every day.
  • deprodepro Member Posts: 46
    Thank you very much kitik!

    Works great!
  • kitikkitik Member Posts: 230
    welcome :D
    Laura Nicolàs
    Author of the book Implementing Dynamics NAV 2013
    Cursos Dynamics NAV (spanish) : - A new lesson released every day.
  • xavraswyzryn13xavraswyzryn13 Member Posts: 5
    Did you try to apply multiple lines (while posting them via General Journal) to a single Ledger Entry?
    If yes, could you share the solution?
    I tried by entering applies-to id, but it only applies the first line of many posted lines, despite the fact they all share the same applies-to id.
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