Print empty space rows on RTC Report

RomRom Member Posts: 64
edited 2011-08-10 in NAV Three Tier

I like to print empty space rows to the end of a page, if the Data lines are not enough to fill it out. I need it, because we use Grid layout on the tables in the body.
I already insert a Integer Data Item at the classic report with this lines of code on the "OnPreDataItem" Trigger :
Pages := NoOfLines DIV 25;
NoOfLines := NoOfLines - (Pages * 25);

In the Classic report it works fine, but i have no idea, how i can solve it for the rtc report.

Hopefully anybody could help me?

Thanks in advance


  • naviannavian Member Posts: 39
    I would put the 'Number' field onto the integer section in the classic report and set the field to be Visible = No.
    Then in the layout I would first set the integer numbers into a table and check if it prints the correct number of lines (with 1,2,3,4 etc..), and after that hide those numbers (maybe with the 'Hidden' property or changing the font color to white or something :wink: ).

    No guarantee it will work, but worth the try I think.
  • lakshanvindanalakshanvindana Member Posts: 79
    its working,
    Lakshan Kulawansa
    ERP Consultant - MS Dynamics NAV
  • ccbryan63ccbryan63 Member Posts: 115
    Maybe not right for your purposes but you can also add blank lines this way: in the report layout, click in the body of the report so that the little icons appear at the left end of each row on the report. You can then left click on a row icon and insert a blank line above or below it.
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