Do you want to rename the recording

JeanCharlesJeanCharles Member Posts: 9
I use Navision V6.0 LS Retail recently and I have a problem on several forms or when I close them I get "Do you want to rename the recording. "

if anyone has an idea.

THANKS in advance.


  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Are you modifying any of Primary Key fields?
  • JeanCharlesJeanCharles Member Posts: 9
    No I'm just a filter

    THANKS for your help
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Then I hope, the primary key fileds are not set to NotBlank property = Yes in table which you are filling.
  • JeanCharlesJeanCharles Member Posts: 9
    excuse me but where I just find this info
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    you will find it in tables-> Priamary key field Property..
    Please ask the technical person to check this..
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    Check if it happens in Fullscreen only (and not when the forms are not maximized).

    NAV has a bug which continues code at the wrong position depending on fullscreen or not. This bug usually has no effect but in some cases it does. If it happens NAV first updates the form instead of continuing where it should. If the form uses functions from the source table and these functions use global variables in the table (which is an absolute NoNo - variables should be as local as possible) you might end up with changed record variables which are later used with a GET and produce this error.

    MS confirmed the bug but said they are not going to fix it.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • JeanCharlesJeanCharles Member Posts: 9
    sorry, this option "NotBlank" is a Yes in the table...
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    sorry, this option "NotBlank" is a Yes in the table...

    If NotBlank is yes for all primary key fields then the reason may be as said by FDickschat(I never faced in this situation :-# )
  • JeanCharlesJeanCharles Member Posts: 9
    OK, this is only code in my Form.....
    CptArt := Rec.COUNT;
    IF Item_L.GET("Item No.") THEN
      Desig := Item_L.Description + Item_L."Description 2";
    enD2 := 0;
    IF COPYSTR("Bin Code",1,1) = '1' THEN BEGIN
      BinContent_L.SETFILTER("Bin Code",'2A..2Z');
      BinContent_L.SETFILTER("Item No.","Item No.");
      IF BinContent_L.COUNT > 0 THEN
        IF BinContent_L.FIND('-') THEN
          enD2 := enD2 + (BinContent_L."PCB (Par combien)"*"Number of package");
        UNTIL BinContent_L.NEXT = 0;
    Record variable in are local and Desig,enD2 in Global variable and use in TextBox on the Grill
    OnValidate() in one Controle
    SETFILTER("Item No.", FiltArt);
    CptArt := Rec.COUNT;
    FiltArt,CptArt in Global varaible and use in TextBox in "SourceExpr" on the Form
    SETFILTER("Bin Code", FiltEmp);
    CptArt := Rec.COUNT;
    FiltEmp,CptArt in Global varaible and use in TextBox in "SourceExpr" on the Form
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    You don't say but I guess it happens if Forms are in Fullscreen and if not maximized?

    Then you will have to use the debugger. Will take a while but it should show where it is coming from.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
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