Inventory LookUP on POS

HayanHayan Member Posts: 110
Hi All,

I am trying to view the available inventory in a specific store on POS, but i am getting a blank page. I have the check box in the store card checked ( POS Inventory LookUp) and I also updated the POS inventory look up on the store, but when i check the Inventory LookUp table I find it empty.

Anybody face this problem.

Please can you help on this



  • AndwianAndwian Member Posts: 627
    Is it LS Retail?
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Have you Checked the loction instead as usually the store is also setup as a location or distribution location depending upon what vertical you are using
  • HayanHayan Member Posts: 110
    yes It is LS Retail.
  • HayanHayan Member Posts: 110
    what do u mean by have you checked the location, what shall there be in location???
  • HayanHayan Member Posts: 110
    HI all,
    The problem is that when I update the Inventory on Store Cards it is not updating in the Inventory LookUp Table,

  • sudhakarsvsudhakarsv Member Posts: 100
    Hi Hayan,

    Inorder to use the Inventory Lookup functionality at stores make sure that below steps are done.

    1.Check the pos inventory lookup field on store card.
    2.Check the pos inventory lookup field on each Item category card.
    3.Check the inventory lookup field in the functionality profile card and select the HO distribution location.

    once the above steps are the CU 99008909 - POS Transaction Server Utility.
    it will update ILE pertained to an item in a T 99001608 - Invntory Lookup Table.
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