As i was creating the Report layout of a Report, there were some Datasetfieldname
for Eg: VATAmountLine__Line_Amount__Control100, which were not flowing from
classic to the RTC Report layout. ](*,)
i'am not shure if this is the same problem you facing, but i noticed that, if you are using the same field in classic layout more then once (i.e amount) then the RTC layout only notice the first one, because there is no need to have the same field with the same value more then once!
as your field is named ...amount_Control100 this could be the case, because the first occurence of the field would bi without the "_control100" ending.
I have the prob. regarding the flow of the _control93 or whatsoever, as the datasetfieldname without control are flowing, but not the datasetfieldname with the _control93.....
I have tried it once by replacing the _control93 by any other name. Eg: _abc.
It get flows but in the manner shown below:
which doesn't support. That means the exact value is not fetched.
as said, if you have the same sourceexpr in the same section in the classic client, one of the two texbox is not flushed to rdlc layout because it is pointless (this is a documented feature).
the _abcformat you talked about is the format property of the textbox, it is flushed because that can be a significative value that you want to have in your dataset, altought this is arguable (e.g.: it probably have a special formatting that you want in the rdlc layout).
check your classic layout and eventually delete those "surplus" textboxes, if you don't need them
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso My Blog
I agree =D> with ur point Belias that the txt boxes having the same source expr. cannot be differentiated at the rdlc end. But the two txt boxes are on different triggers, having different codes on there On Presection, so it is obvious that both of the txt boxes have to be passed, at the rdlc end, as both have differently visibility at different times as per the code written on their On Presection.
Could it be that you have like 2 body triggers of a the same dataItem?
For example: if you have a sales line and you have 2 body triggers which are shown on different conditions (bold text for type<>0 and normal for type = 0)
Is it such a situation? because if you have the same sourcexpr on 2 or more triggers of the same dataitem, it's the same as Belias & I mentioned.
Please provide more information about your situation. probably a screenshot of the layout in classic. Why do you have different output on the different triggers? Do you have code on the sections?
i think that he has a textbox with the same sourceexpr (a variable for example) and he evaluates it in the onpresection.
Code in the onpresection triggers is not executed during the rdlc rendering. Move the evaluation of the variable somewhere else (e.g. onaftergetrecord)
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso My Blog
a)Service Invoice Line Groupfooter(1)
b)Service Invoice Line Footer(2)
These two triggers have the text boxes having the same sourcexpr, but having different
codes on their On Presections as shown below.
The footers textboxes have the datasetfieldname(_control33 or any other)of all txt boxes. The datasetfield name of it is not flowing in RTC.??????
2) The Code in the Grpfooter(1)'s on ONPRESECTION():
CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(NOT PrintAmountsInLCY);
3)The Code in the footer(2)'s on ONPRESECTION():
As u guess.... the same is the situation
There is an another Problem: :!:
As u all know that the code written on the On Pre section can be transferred in the RTC on the visibility section, can the code written on the On Post Section be transferred to the RTC on Visibility.
Ok here you are, you have the same sourcexpr on sections of the same dataitem. this way you'll never get the data flow in the rtc layout, because it's useless, the textboces would always have the same values. This means you can use the DataSetField without the "_controlXX" name.
You should try to move your code from the OnPreSection / OnPostSection to a Trigger of the dataitem. You probably need to rethink your Report structure!
The Visiblity property can be used to replace the SHOWOUTPUT Function of classic report. There is now way to "move code" from the OnPostSection Trigger to RTC Layout. Can you post our OnPostSection Code?
as your field is named ...amount_Control100 this could be the case, because the first occurence of the field would bi without the "_control100" ending.
I have the prob. regarding the flow of the _control93 or whatsoever, as the datasetfieldname without control are flowing, but not the datasetfieldname with the _control93.....
I have tried it once by replacing the _control93 by any other name. Eg: _abc.
It get flows but in the manner shown below:
which doesn't support. That means the exact value is not fetched.
the _abcformat you talked about is the format property of the textbox, it is flushed because that can be a significative value that you want to have in your dataset, altought this is arguable (e.g.: it probably have a special formatting that you want in the rdlc layout).
check your classic layout and eventually delete those "surplus" textboxes, if you don't need them
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
I agree =D> with ur point Belias that the txt boxes having the same source expr. cannot be differentiated at the rdlc end. But the two txt boxes are on different triggers, having different codes on there On Presection, so it is obvious that both of the txt boxes have to be passed, at the rdlc end, as both have differently visibility at different times as per the code written on their On Presection.
Is there any solution..... :idea:
For example: if you have a sales line and you have 2 body triggers which are shown on different conditions (bold text for type<>0 and normal for type = 0)
Is it such a situation? because if you have the same sourcexpr on 2 or more triggers of the same dataitem, it's the same as Belias & I mentioned.
Please provide more information about your situation. probably a screenshot of the layout in classic. Why do you have different output on the different triggers? Do you have code on the sections?
Code in the onpresection triggers is not executed during the rdlc rendering. Move the evaluation of the variable somewhere else (e.g. onaftergetrecord)
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
There are two TRIGGERS namely:
a)Service Invoice Line Groupfooter(1)
b)Service Invoice Line Footer(2)
These two triggers have the text boxes having the same sourcexpr, but having different
codes on their On Presections as shown below.
The footers textboxes have the datasetfieldname(_control33 or any other)of all txt boxes. The datasetfield name of it is not flowing in RTC.??????
2) The Code in the Grpfooter(1)'s on ONPRESECTION():
CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(NOT PrintAmountsInLCY);
3)The Code in the footer(2)'s on ONPRESECTION():
As u guess.... the same is the situation
There is an another Problem: :!:
As u all know that the code written on the On Pre section can be transferred in the RTC on the visibility section, can the code written on the On Post Section be transferred to the RTC on Visibility.
You should try to move your code from the OnPreSection / OnPostSection to a Trigger of the dataitem. You probably need to rethink your Report structure!
The Visiblity property can be used to replace the SHOWOUTPUT Function of classic report. There is now way to "move code" from the OnPostSection Trigger to RTC Layout. Can you post our OnPostSection Code?
in the below case use intial datasetfieldname as SUM() in footer.
the code written in sections should be moved based on the requirement.
Onpost section code also need to be mmoved.