It is our understanding that if you leave a Sales Order open for some amount of time, such as waiting on the arrival of a back ordered product so that one can ship the order complete, the user is required to change the Shipping Date prior to posting the shipment AND change the Posting Date so that the Document Date and subsequently the Due Date and Discount Due date are updated correctly prior to posting the invoice.
Why wouldn't these dates be updated for the Posted Shipment and Posted Invoice documents at the time that the user posts the order?
This seems ridiculous. Does anybody else have a challenge with this? Does anybody have some work arounds, or suggested procedures?
Or sometimes isn't?
As standard, the posting date can automatically be changed when posting if you use the "Post Batch" option. On the "options" tab you have:
"Posting Date"
Replace Posting Date
Replace Document Date
Calc Inv. Discount.
I know this "says" batch posting, but you can filter the report to only post one item.