Is it possible to stop a report from printing if no record is available when printing a report in NAV 2009 RTC. At the moment I'm getting a blank page and I want to avoid it as well.
In NAV 2009 SP1, in report 205 Order Confirmation I put the following code, and the report still printed a blank page (with page number 1) when there no records to print. This happened both if the code was in Customer - OnPreDataItem and if it was in OnPreReport. So CurrReport.BREAK does not work as I expected it to.
You will need to use the Hidden property in the layout.
Something like this:
=(Fields!No_.Value = "")
Where the No_ field is a non visible field in the classic report.
Something like this:
=(Fields!No_.Value = "")
Where the No_ field is a non visible field in the classic report.
RTC Printouts Made Easy
NaviNordic Document Configurator for Dynamics NAV