BackDate Stock Entry

jaiverma2k2jaiverma2k2 Member Posts: 112
Hi all,
Is there any way to stop backdate entry of sale/adjustment for the currennt stock
e.g. Item 'A' Purchase on 25th Dec 2010,
user can sale or pass negative adjustment of 'A' before 25th Dec wherever the item receive on 25th Dec.

how can we prevent the user to do so in standard NAV.

please suggest.
Jai Verma


  • chengalasettyvsraochengalasettyvsrao Member Posts: 711
    AFAIK there is no standard solution.

    But In GeneralLedger Setup you can define the Allow posting from and Allow posting to fields that will control which date they can post. If Administrator daily change it to today's date so that users can only post for that date.

    or you can define in User setup table also.
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