
How to set parameters to start with service?

LosJLosJ Member Posts: 7
edited 2004-12-20 in Navision Financials
Hopefully this is a simple question. I just re-installed the Navision Server (v 2.6E) on my Windows Small Business Server 2003. I can log into my database no problem, but the default settings do not have the settings I want. Here is the parameter I would like the Navision Server service to start with:

servername=nfserver,nettype=tcp,cache=20000,commitcache=yes,database=f:\Navision Server 2.60\ubs260b.fdb

I can stop the service in Windows and then manually run the Server file with the above parameter. How can I change the service in Windows so that it always starts Navision with the above parameters?


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    LosJLosJ Member Posts: 7
    Nevermind. I searched through the registery and found the values I needed to change. :roll:
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    eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    search through the registery! I'm sure you'll find the the values you need to change. :wink:
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
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    RobertMoRobertMo Member Posts: 484
    For others that might want to know. You can change parameters of you service by using uninstallasservice and instalasservice parameters.
    In your case you should do it in 2 steps. First unistall service:
    x:\path\server.exe uninstallasservice
    And then run
    x:\path\server.exe servername=nfserver, nettype=tcp, cache=20000, commitcache=yes, database=f:\Navision Server 2.60\ubs260b.fdb, installasservice

    I hope I haven't made any typos...
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    Ian_piddigntonIan_piddignton Member Posts: 92
    Just to let you know, if the service is going to have the same name the uninstallasservice is not required.
    And then run
    x:\path\server.exe servername=nfserver, nettype=tcp, cache=20000, commitcache=yes, database=f:\Navision Server 2.60\ubs260b.fdb, installasservice

    This will uninstall the service make the chages(which are held in the DBMS.zup) and re install the service. When making changes you only need to list the parameters that you are changing, and you may need to add quote marks round the databse file path.


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    eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    Maybe you know, maybe you don't...

    I made a very little tool with which you can install and uninstall Navision servers quite easy.

    It's downloadable from mibuso :

    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
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    RobertMoRobertMo Member Posts: 484
    I have also just remebered that you can also use MS Management console.
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