1 Routing = many Work Center = many Location

dede_aja_tuhdede_aja_tuh Member Posts: 39
Dear All,

I have a question about location in Routing.

Scenario :

We have 1 item, let says : SCREW with have Routing A consist of 2 Work Center :

Work Center Heading
Work Center Rolling

Then i create location : location Heading & location Rolling. My purpose is location Heading is to accomodate item from Work Center Heading. It's same with Location Rolling.

My question is :
If i just create only 1 (one) Production Order for SCREW with have routing A which consist 2 (two) Work Center, but when we finished at first Work Center (Heading), item SCREW must shown at Location Heading, how can we setup this procedure in NAV?

I already try it, but in NAV, item SCREW will show or fill in at the location when the last work center (Rolling) is finished.

My goal for this scenario is : we want to see item SCREW at what location if the production order has not finished yet

Thanks you!


  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    The Item Screw does not exist until the production has finished creating it.
    When the last center has completed it's work it will post the output of the produciton ie: the item Screw will have been created. Until then no Screw exists.
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  • dede_aja_tuhdede_aja_tuh Member Posts: 39
    Hi Sog,

    thanks for your reply. Depend on ur answer, so how if u became me to solving this issue?

    Thanks You.
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