Email notification for HOTCOPY

BGIBGI Member Posts: 176
edited 2004-12-17 in Navision Attain
In the hotcopy command there is a parameter called email, so you can mail notifications of the hotcopy command.
Anybody knows how the email is send?
Is it via Mapi, Smtp or something else.
I suppose via Mapi, but which profile or so does it use then?

Benny Giebens
Benny Giebens


  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    from the help:
    The E-mail address of the person who is to be informed about the final
    status of the backup procedure.
    The E-mail message contains the following information:
    Subject: This is the backup for Monday (The description of the backup).
    Backup started at 2001/03/15 10:02:50.
    Backup ended successfully at 2001/03/15 10:06:06.
    If the backup failed the E-mail will only contain the description of the
    backup and a message informing you of the error that caused the backup
    to fail.
    If you are using the UNIX system, E-mails can only be sent if the Sendmail
    program has been installed.

    So actually, we don't know :wink: [/b]
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • BGIBGI Member Posts: 176
    I found this help also, but it really doesn't say anything.
    Are there people that use other things to get a info about the state?
    Maybe something that mails some of the event log lines as hotcopy puts also something there?
    Benny Giebens
  • Jelias1Jelias1 Member Posts: 35
    You can distinguish between MAPI and SMTP in the following manner (assuming you have updated Windows OS regulary and you are using Outlook and Exchange).

    1. MAPI: If you send mail to someone who is in your Contact list, you will receive a warning that some unknown process is trying to access your contact list along with a confirmation to allow/disallow it. You will be able to send attachments.

    2. SMTP: You will receive no warning. However you will be unable to receive attachments.

    That's why with HOTCOPY, I always use SMTP because it's usually processing during off-hours, and you want everything to be automatic, not halted by a modal warning window.

    Hope this helps.
  • BGIBGI Member Posts: 176
    Jelias1 wrote:

    That's why with HOTCOPY, I always use SMTP because it's usually processing during off-hours, and you want everything to be automatic, not halted by a modal warning window.

    Hope this helps.

    But how do you specify this with the hotcopy command, or do you use a bacth file where you send the mail seperatly from the hotcopy command. If the latter is true, what do you use to send it?
    Benny Giebens
  • Jelias1Jelias1 Member Posts: 35
    I wrote an automation object that establishes a socket connection with Exchange Server. In Navision, I build all of the components of the EMail message (SENTFROM, MAILTO, BODY, etc.) Then I populate the properties of the automation object with these parameters. Then, I invoke the single method of the object: SMTPConnect(). This causes the automation object to instantiate the socket connection to the Exchange server, start a SMTP session, build the message, and send it.

    Believe me, there is no other way to automate EMail anymore with Outlook. I tried other Microsoft libraries that connect directly to Exchange Server, but I still get the same warning message when Outlook receives it.

    If you don't want to do this and want to automate EMail you have two other options:
    1. Use an EMail engine other than Outlook. For example, as of yesterday Outlook Express didn't issue a warning. (I just applied the four newest XP security updates a few minutes ago, so now I'm not so sure.

    2. Use a third party product like ExpandIT to control everything. There EMail and automation routines are highly customizable. While ExpandIT is used to automatically created Navi FBK backups, other options allow you to automate a HotCopy session, transfer backups for hard drives to tape, etc. (We are in the process of evaluating if we want to be an ExpandIT partner. The problem is $$$.)

    3. You could buy my SMTP automation control. (My boss recently chastised me for giving away too many things for free.) :(

    Hope this helps.
  • BGIBGI Member Posts: 176
    Thanks for the elaboration, but i already knew some of these, and i already use sometimes the smpt dll (at customer site with only notes pe.).

    But my question was specificly for the hotcopy command. We use it a a customer site, and now for some time it didn't worked anymore because the disk was full.
    So they asked if the could get emails with the state of the hotcopy command. You can pas a parameter called email, but in the help there is no explanation of what needs to be on that server to make the mail is being send. I suppose it's via outlook because you don't have to specify a smtp server address, but i want to make sure.....
    Benny Giebens
  • ajhvdbajhvdb Member Posts: 672
    You can use a command line email program like "postie" for sending email.
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    You could buy my SMTP automation control. (My boss recently chastised me for giving away too many things for free.)

    To bad bosses always want to make money. But then again, you made it in the boss his time... did you?
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • Jelias1Jelias1 Member Posts: 35
    Yeah, I did it at work, and he's the boss. Anything I do on my own time is free. :)
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