Item Tracking

HayanHayan Member Posts: 110
Dear All,

I have this situation,
I have an item which is marked as Serial number Tracking, however by somehow a purchase order was posted ( received ) without Entering Serial Number, now the system is not allowing me to work with the Item neither sell nor make negative adjustment to make the stock correct,

any idea how can i solve this issue.



  • crisnicolascrisnicolas Member Posts: 177
    Have you tried the Item Reclass. Journal to give serial numbers to the entry that has been made without them?

    Have you looked at the Serial Number Tracking configuration? You can specify that serial number is requiered on outbound entries but not on inbound entries... maybe that's why the system has allowed a purchase without serial number...
  • HayanHayan Member Posts: 110
    Yes i have looked to them, and item reclassification cant be done due to an error that has to do with Reservation entry should be -1 thing
    and yes have looked to the code , it says for outbound and inbound

  • AndwianAndwian Member Posts: 627
    Please paste the error message here.

    Unchecked the Require Item Tracking on Outbound. And then do the Negative adjmt. Never tried it, but worth to try.
  • HayanHayan Member Posts: 110
    the error is nothing more than it is asking for the lot number when i do a transaction and when i put a lot number which is not there it is saying item reservation should be -1, but the reservation entry table is empty,

    and i tried to un-check it it is not allowing me.

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