Report Aged Account Receivables and Payables

Vineeth.RVineeth.R Member Posts: 121
Hi Experts,

Our Customer is demanding that the 'Balance' field in this 2 reports should always tally for the 2 options 'Aging By Due Date' and 'Aging By Poting Date'. Is it true? I am not getting the expected result in Chronus database. Is it like that or is it a bug.
Thanks and Regards


  • rajatkaliarajatkalia Member Posts: 65
    Hi Vineeth

    The Balance field is same for both the options in Aged Accounts Receivable report in Cronus.

  • B17BROB17BRO Member Posts: 1
    Vineeth R. identified that there is a difference in the balances shown on R120 Aged Accounts Recievable depending on whether you select "Due Date" or "Posting Date". He is correct, though this is data-dependent, and I note a number of other posts with similar problems in Report 120.

    We have a customer who we recently upgraded from 3.60 to NAV2009 SP1 and they very quickly picked up the issues:
    1) If you age by Posting Date then the report balances to the balance sheet debtors control, but the aging is incorrect;
    2) if you age by Due Date the aging is correct but, (depending on your data and when you run the report) the report no longer balances to the control account. It picks up postings after the end date.

    The issue is data and time dependent. if you run the report on the day you are reporting it will be right. If you run it retrospectively it will probably be wrong.
    In the UK, the change occurred when version V4.0 came out. NAV UK had a report 10520 up to V3.70 which correctly reconciled to the control account but it was dropped in V4.0 onwards, possibly because of the introduction of partial applications of payments. It still exists in NAV2009 R2.
    I found a KB article on Partnersource in which Microsoft said that the report was designed to be an aid to cash flow and not a reconciliation report. Obviously Microsoft have never tried to tell that to an auditor!

    A simple modification seems to resolve the problem:
    Go to the second "Cust. Ledger Entry" data item which is labelled "OpenCustLedgEntry".
    In the OpenCustLedgEntry - OnPreDataItem() trigger, comment out the 'IF' conditional lines as follows and add appropriate documentation;

    //IF AgingBy = AgingBy::"Posting Date" THEN BEGIN
    SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndingDate);
    SETRANGE("Date Filter",0D,EndingDate);

    This insures that regardless of which method you select, the report will not include new documents or payments posted after the EndingDate.
    If you now run the report by "Due Date" it will be correctly aged and should reconcile to the debtors control account (filtered up to and including the ending date and provided there are no direct postings to the control account).
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