Show records that will be affected in report run

superbrugersuperbruger Member Posts: 41
Hello there

Can You please give me some hints here.

I want to run a report.
But before that report actually runs, I want to show the records that will be affected when the report runs.
I imagine that I show a form, with the records marked.
But I then want to able to remove some of the records before it runs.

So, if the report at first have 10 records in the filter, it shows a form with the 10 records. I remove the mark on 2 of them, clik OK and the report will run on the remaining 8 records.

Can anyone please give som advise?



  • ReinhardReinhard Member Posts: 249
    Hi there,
    to me it sounds like this, using Navision terminology:
    1. Suggest Lines
    - this populates some lines in a journal
    2. review and modify the lines as needed
    3. post

    However if this isn't possible for you then you can do something like this:
      IF conditionsAreMet THEN
    UNTIL recordToMark.NEXT = 0;
    // now the user views the records and removes the marks...

    I probably wouldn't do this however since marking records is not something most users know how to do, or want to do
  • superbrugersuperbruger Member Posts: 41
    Hi Reinhard,

    Thank You.

    I think You are right.
    Most users dont know how to mark / remove mark.

    I made a workarround.
    Report 1, mark records, open form with the records,
    and when OK button is pressed, it returns to report 2 with the marked records.
    It works, but I have to use 2 reports.

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