Ship-to address in Intercompany Posting with Drop Shipment

JosetxoJosetxo Member Posts: 92

We are running NAV 4.0 SP1.

I am facing a design issue with Drop Shipments in Intercompany postings.

B company posts a Sales Order for E end client, with Drop Shipment.
Then B company posts the corresponding Purchase Order to A company. So A company post a Sales Order for B and has to send the items to E.

As far as I have been able to check (I might be wrong anyway): only three fields of the ship-to address table (222) are transferred from company B to company A: Name, Address and City.
A company has to ship the items to E. But this information is not enough to make the shipment, of course, because the rest of the fields in the 222 table are in company B, and have not been transferred to A.

I have thought about adding those fields to the IC transaction, and copying them to table 222 in company A (using TRANSFERFIELDS, for example):

1.- I would start copying all the fields from table 222 in B to table 222 in A.
2.- Then, "Customer No", which would have the Customer No corresponding to the IC Partner for company B.
3.- And now... I need a field to identify the address. I cannot directly use the "Code" field from table 222 in company B because it could make duplicated keys, wouldn't it? (Customer No and Code are the Keys for this table 222).
After, I have though about concatenating: E customer code in B company + B.table222.code, to avoid the key duplication. But I it is not possible because of the Code field length in table 222.
Then thought about adding a new field and do the concatenation on it, but it would mess the forms where the addresses are selected. I don't like this, it would not work well.

Honestly, I do not know how to proceed. Has anyone faced this problem before?

Any help will be much appreciated. Regards,


  • JosetxoJosetxo Member Posts: 92
    I will reply myself: the thing is that I have to write into a field, the contents of that same field but read from another company PLUS a customer code.
    So I will probably exceed the field's length.

    I may solve it through Base conversion: from customer no. (numeric - base10) and address code (alphabetic - base 26) to a base that won't exceed the 10 character's length for the field in the worst case (9999 for customer no. PLUS ZZZZZZZZZZ for address code).

    I still have to think if this is possible (max. 10 characters). But, even if it is, is there an easier way to accomplish this?

    Thanks in advance.
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    Why do you want to copy fields from T222/B to T222/A? You don't need T222 in Company A. In Company A the customer is a different one then in company B and the ship-to address just exists in the sales order (as text without a ship-to code).

    [But as you I am wondering why MS did not add all ship-to address fields to the IC tables]

    Anyway, it is all handled by CU427, 435 and Report 511, 513.
    Just add the missing fields to T428, 432, 434, 438 (and maybe to 426, 430, 436, 440 if you need them on the way back) and adapt the CUs. Be careful, some of these fields use transferfields so add them under the same number in all these tables.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • JosetxoJosetxo Member Posts: 92
    I am copying them because I do not see any other way to print the full ship-to address in the delivery orders, invoices....
    I have modified CU 427 to move those fields. And, regarding the Code issue, I finally chose to change the field's length. I know this is not a good practice, but I did not see any other way to move that info.

    Thanks for your help.
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    I will just describe what I did:
    I added all missing Ship-to fields (name, address, contact,...) to the IC Outbox/Inbox/Handled... tables and adapted CU427. I did not add the original customer no. and Ship-to Code to these tables. But I added also a field "Your Reference" to be able to transfer the Reference/Ext. Doc. No. from the source sales order.

    When creating a drop ship purchase order in the source company NAV sets the ship-to address in the PO as the ship-to address of the sales order (all fields). Here no modification is necessary.

    When creating the IC outbox transaction in the source company the fields in the IC tables are populated and when sending it they are transferred to the inbox of the target company (modified so that all address fields are transferred). When accepting the IC transaction in the target company a new SO is created and the ship-to address is copied from the inbox sales transaction to the SO. No need to look it up in the source company. In the target company the Ship-to code is empty, only the name and address fields are filled.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
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