Dear all,
i have a problem, when i run the function "Get Return Shipment Lines" on Purchase Credit Memo, appears an error "Get Return Shipment Lines' cannot close because the system is currently working." and "16 units for Document No. PRR1009-0008 have already been returned or transferred. Therefore, only 0 units can be returned." what causes the error? so what the advantages and functionality of the Get Return Shipment Lines function on Purchase Credit Memo?
thanks & Best Regards,
Yohana Maria
After analysing the code i would say this is a Bug in the Application.
The error occurs in the function "CheckApplToItemLedgEntry" in table 39-Purchase Line, when the ledger entry from the field "Appl.-to Item Entry" has a RemaingQty less than the Quantity in the CreditMemo Document. I changed the code so the error doesn't come when the credit memo has a value in the fields "Return Shipment No." and "Return Shipment Line No." (this happens when you use the "Get Return Shipment Lines" functionality). Because if this is the case the posting of the credit memo doesn't change the the Remaining Qty of the Item Ledger Entry, and therefore it shouldn`t be checked at this point, i would say.
works for me at least