Calling a runmodal page

sabzamsabzam Member Posts: 1,149
edited 2010-11-19 in NAV Three Tier
Dear All,

I have got a page which enables the user to insert the amount in one of the payment methods. If the payment method is of type cheque (check) then a page is released using runmodal in whcih the user is prompted for the account information and the cheque number. Now for some reason the cheque number is being updatedd with a delay. The example below shows the scenario

If i insert amount 200, and update the cheque number to 123 the cheque number would not be updated
If after I amend the amount to 100 and update the cheque number to 456 the cheque number gets updated with the number 123

I am using a simple page.runmodal and passing the record. The pages use a different base table so as to avoid having errors of the type: Records has been amended by another user........

Thanks in advance.



  • sabzamsabzam Member Posts: 1,149
    The error which I have got now is different. I ahve managed to solve the other issue and gets updated immediately but the actual field which has been amended by the us not updated. It sorts of lose the figure which the user would have inputted.
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