Refund option missing from OptionString - Possible BUG?

anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
Hi there,

I encountered a problem with "Cr. Memos for Advance Invoice" on Croatian/Serbian localization of NAV 5.0 SP1.

When I post the Cr. Memo for Advance Invoice which has the "Applies-to Doc. Type" field set to "Advance Invoice" ("Applies-to Doc. No." is also set to appropriate advance invoice no.) it ends up in Posted Credit Memos with "Corr. Advance Invoice" value in the "Applies-to Doc. Type" field ("Applies-to Doc. No." field is unchanged and still points to the correct invoice).

I looked at the OptionStrings of the "Applies-to Doc. Type" fields in the "Purchase Header" table and "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr." table and found this:
Purchase Header:
 ,Payment,Invoice,Credit Memo,Finance Charge Memo,Reminder,Refund,Advance,Corr. Advance,Advance Invoice,Corr. Advance Invoice

Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.:
 ,Payment,Invoice,Credit Memo,Finance Charge Memo,Reminder,Advance,Corr. Advance,Advance Invoice,Corr. Advance Invoice
The value in the database is the same (9) but the OptionString is obviously causing the problem with the NAV representation of the value.
Is there anyone else who can confirm this behavior?

I checked the W1 database of NAV 5.0 SP1 and everything seams to be OK there. OptionStrings are identical and include Refund option.
I wanted to add the missing option but decided to consult the community and see if anyone did it already and if there were any known problems after that.




  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    In my opinion, it should be the same, but I'm no croatian localisation expert :wink:.

    I checked the belgian and W1 release, and the optionstrings are the same there.. .

    Did you check the caption, is the "Refund" option missing there as well? Captions is the same as OptionString?
    Did you ckeck the Purch. Invoice Header? What is the situation there?

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    Waldo wrote:
    In my opinion, it should be the same, but I'm no croatian localisation expert :wink:.

    I checked the belgian and W1 release, and the optionstrings are the same there.. .

    Did you check the caption, is the "Refund" option missing there as well? Captions is the same as OptionString?
    Did you ckeck the Purch. Invoice Header? What is the situation there?
    Hi Waldo,

    Thanks for spending some time to look at this issue.

    Yes, the "Refund" option is missing from captions too, but all other tables (Purchase Header, Purch. Rcpt. Header, Purch. Inv. Header) are OK (they include Refund option and it's captions).

    I'll try to report this to MS and see what they say.

    Thanks again,

  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    I posted the Issue to MS Connect:

    No response from MS yet.

    However, I added the missing option to OptionString and Option Captions without too many issues.

    Here are the steps in case someone needs it:
    1. Export all objects to .txt file
    2. Add the missing option
    3. Export all objects to .txt file AGAIN
    4. Compare the two .txt files and see if there are any changes in code where actual field is used and fix referenced values

    In my case there were only two places where options from that field were referenced, and it was in our custom code, so I had to change that code because all options that come after the "Refund" option were shifted for one place.

    That's it.


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