On most of the "Drop down" lists you can set the default column to sort by. On the Ship To field of the Sales Order Page I cannot set anything.
It is the same on my PC and the client's PC as well. Anyone else have this problem? Is it a Microsoft NAV bug? Can I change a property in the page or related table to fix it?? [-o<
Bad (does not have filter symbol and Set Default is grayed-out)
Normal (has filter symbol)
Did some investigation:
Removed the Field Groups 'DropDown' definition on TAB222
Removed the filter on the TableRelation on the Ship-to Code field (12) on TAB36
Searching on the forums
All to no avail. #-oNever stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/clausl/archive/ ... wsignin1.0
I went through the entire post to see if there is anything I missed (In Page 301 or table 222) but I still cannot get it to work. ](*,)
Can I set it in the code somehow? I need the Field Called "Code" to be the default search field. Right now, typing in any letter or number does absolutely nothing.
If I were you I would report this to MS. DO you have access to the right channel (f.e. enterig a Service Request on PartnerSource)?
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
And I am having the same problem and don't think there is a resolution.
For example "Product Group" on the item card has the same problem.
Found a solution!!! \:D/ \:D/
To enable the column for searching, you must define it as a key with that field ONLY
On Table 222 Ship-to Address create a new key: Code
Then it should work.