Creating New Style Sheet fpr Excel

LilithyanLilithyan Member Posts: 32

my company is currently contemplating to take an order from a customer for an excel-export with very specific look for the excelsheet. It was mentioned that the best method to do this, as it is only for a specific form, was to create a new Style Sheet and import it into Navision.
Now, no one has much experience with creating Style Sheets but what we did notice is the fact, that the default sheet integrated in Navision creates an Excel Sheet with tabs for each tab in the forms from Navision.
My question is as I couldn't really find it out by just looking at the code in Navision and the Style Sheet, is this type of export integrated into the Navision Client itself or is this fully specified in the Style Sheet? This is one of the main points that needs to be cleared as the customer wishes to have information from different tabs in the Navisionform on one tab in the Excel Sheet.

Thanks for any help in advance.


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