Dialog Box won't disappear

Iqbal_FebrianoIqbal_Febriano Member Posts: 66
Hello guys, need little help here, I've stuck already ](*,)
I made a form, and then from the form I call a codeunit to post the data. During the posting process, I transfer the data to Gen. Journal Line table and posting it using Gen. Jnl Batch Post codeunit. The only problem is, after all posting process, the dialog box from Gen. Jnl Batch Post won't disappear. It still on the screen, and the only way to wipe it off is by pressing the cancel button, although the process is work fine.
Thanx for the help
Be fast, be straight, be quiet


  • ArhontisArhontis Member Posts: 667
    How do you perform the call? :-k

    In codeunit 231 the posting is called with:
    GenJnlPostBatch : Codeunit Gen. Jnl.-Post Batch

    In the batch posting there are alot WINDOW calls but no WINDOW.CLOSE.
    I guess it is because, when posting, the code in the codeunit 231 ends and it is unloaded and so is the variable WINDOW.
  • Iqbal_FebrianoIqbal_Febriano Member Posts: 66
    I call it just exactly the same as codeunit 231 call it.
    Here is my code

    If the problem is because no Window.CLOSE command, then why it's ok (the dialog box automatically disappear) when you post normally from Gen. Journal Line table ?
    Be fast, be straight, be quiet
  • fbfb Member Posts: 246
    Arhontis wrote:
    ...codeunit 231 ends and it is unloaded and so is the variable WINDOW...
    Have you tried to CLEAR the codeunit after using it? Maybe that will close the Window...
  • Iqbal_FebrianoIqbal_Febriano Member Posts: 66
    Thanks fb, it works =D>
    Be fast, be straight, be quiet
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