Intercompany Outbox - Email

almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117
I am testing the intercompany transaction activity and have a few questions. I've created an IC Partner Code for one of our subsidiaries (Inbox type = Email) and did the following:

1. Entered two Payables invoices (thru Purchase Invoices) with two different posting dates and used the appropriate IC Partner Code and account numbers.
2. Went to my IC Outbox, Changed the Line Action to Send to IC Partner
3. Completed Line Actions

Here are the things I expected to see but didn't:

1. Accounts receivable was debited correctly, but there is no balance in the customer for this IC partner. :?:
2. I set my own email up for the IC partner so I could see what came out. Its an html file... I wanted to see 1 invoice with mutliples attached.

Have I done something wrong in the setup? Please help, as using the IC journals will save me a lot of time. At this point, none of the subsidiaries are on NAV, but will be in the future. Right now I just want to save myself the time of entering a purchase invoice and a sales invoices (to the sub for chargebacks) and get it all done in the purchase invoice side.


  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Have you had a look through the intercompany white paper yet to see how it should flow?
  • almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117
    Can you tell me where I would get this?
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    From the sounds of it you have set up two comapnies in different databases correct?

    Else why have you set the inbox as email ?? If you have done this you should have to import the file into the recieving company and accept/post it before you will see the resultant in the COA

    Thwe whitepaper is on partnersource or customersource called Whitepaper_IntercompanyPostings.pdf
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