More than one domain with WIndows Authentication

asmilie2b3asmilie2b3 Member Posts: 39
Hello all. Long time onlooker, first time posting.

I have an issue which may be more of a network one than Navision but would really appreciate any advice.
We wish to switch over to using Windows Authentication. However we have users running Nav (4.0 SP2) on two different domains. When they try to log in on the 2nd domain (that SQL is not sitting in) they receive an SQL error when running Nav that the user " does not exist. Can SQL be made to recognize two domains somehow?


  • asmilie2b3asmilie2b3 Member Posts: 39
    My bad, this has already been discussed of course...

    It is almost there, but I wish to send parameters to Nav such as NTAuthentication=Yes. Unfortunately it seems the runas command does not accept any parameters. I wonder if anyone has found a workaround for that?
  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    Runas does accept parameters, it is actually required (as one of the parameters is the domain\user or user@domain)
    But I'm guessing you want to add parameters with the finsql.exe. Although I haven't tested it, it appears that those parameters can be added when adding quotes:
    runas /user:navuser@otherdomain "finsql.exe ntauthentication=yes"
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  • asmilie2b3asmilie2b3 Member Posts: 39
    Hello Sog.

    Many thanks for the reply.
    I just tried inside two quotes, and interestingly it takes the first parameter, but not the following ones.

    If I do the below, all of the parameters (in red) end up in the server name field in the client. So I need to seperate them somehow and I have tried commas, semi-commas, slashes etc to no avail.

    runas /user:domain\username "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Client\finsql.exe ServerName=MYCOMPDB01 NTAuthentication=Yes database=Mycomp ID=Mycomp company=Mycomp"
  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    In that case, migth I suggest only to use the parameter for the zup-file. The zup file should contain all those settings. So you don't have to give those with the parameters.
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  • asmilie2b3asmilie2b3 Member Posts: 39
    Thank you. Yes I will go with that or perhaps just use the NTAuthentication. Whichever works best as there is only one shot with a parameter it seems. Many thanks for your help!
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