Using Navision Item Charges and partially shipped orders

harm.poelenharm.poelen Member Posts: 36
Hi there,

Got an other challendge... I've got 3 item lines with 3 charge item lines (seperatelly) linked to these item lines (one item on one charge item).

Now we can ship (using WMS) the first two lines. The last line cannot be shipped because we don't have sufficient stock. Now we will go and invoice the item lines that we have shipped...

In this case we don't want the charge item line linked to the last item line (the one not shipped) to be invoiced just yet.... this would look stupid on the invoice since the goods are not on that invoice...

So before invoicing I try to change the items to ship and invoice for the charge item to 0 (empty) and then try to invoice the first two lines with their charge items. No such luck.... the system is now telling me that I can not have 0 on the specific charge item line...

Anybody any suggestions on what to do... I'm going crazy thinking of solutions for this problem (other then just stop using the charge items and posting it directly to a G/L account)....

CANE Microsoft Solutions BV
Prins Hendrikplein 14
The Netherlands


  • Member Posts: 88
    To invoice this order, temporarily unassign quantity on charge line that relates to item that wasn't shipped. Then invoice first two lines.

    Here is the logic that causes your problem:
    IF ABS(SalesLine2."Qty. to Assign" + SalesLine2."Qty. Assigned") > ABS(SalesLine2."Qty. to Invoice" + SalesLine2."Quantity Invoiced")
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