Has anyone developed a timer add-in for pages that works without issues? I've tried the one posted on freddy's blog, and pages I use it on run fine if I run them directly from object designer, but when I set up a link to the page from either the Departments menusuite or a role center page, the RTC client crashes completely.
I had a lot of luck in the Classic client using the XML approach mentioned in the post below. It does not require the usage of a timer or a single instance codeunit and the update happens pretty much instantaneous
I've not tried this yet in RTC but it should work??? The only thing that might be different is that you want to spawn a LOCAL instance of ther automation object, and not one on the service tier. Don't recall the syntax now but I believe to do this there is a second paramter to the .CREATE command used to create the automation object instance.
Good luck
That's a good question......I completely skipped 2009 and went right to SP1 for uhhhh....obvious reasons..... :P As far as I know it is supported but as I said.....I haven't actually tried it yet........it's still on my very lengthy to-do list
Anyone else have any suggestions or proven timer implementations to share?
http://dynamicsuser.net/blogs/mark_brum ... -page.aspx
This approach works great - I hadn't thought of leveraging the page refresh function. Gotta start thinking outside of my Classic Client comfort zone.
I had to add a bit more code on the parent page as I'm not updating flowfields in this case...I actually needed to recognize the change and run some code at the parent level. But, my page is using a temporary source table guaranteed to always have at least one record, so I hooked the code in OnAfterGetRecord (check if the subpage changed and run logic if so) and it's working beautifully!
Thank you very much for posting that.