Security and Permissions ???

emkproemkpro Member Posts: 47
I am trying to set security roles and permissions in a database but defining every single table and other components permissions is a real hard work. other than using Navisison's standart role setup what can I do?

How come if I define the security roles and group permissions if I give all users all table and all tabledata access and limit the forms would it be suitable for a system ???

Also I need sales orders verified by a supervisor role before they can be processed IF they have any discounts (Discounts will be preset) I am not hoping much on this one but still wanted to ask


  • ArhontisArhontis Member Posts: 667
    Hi, the forms inherit the permissions from the table data objects. If you set a tabledata permission, then the user has access to the form that reads/writes to it too.

    I have tried building security from scratch, but abandoned it cause it is too much work to define every single table that plays a part in each module.

    I prefer using the standard navision roles and modify them when needed...
  • emkproemkpro Member Posts: 47
    sorry 8-[
  • ArhontisArhontis Member Posts: 667
    The result could be the same, except from code where the checking is done via table data security and not form security.

    That means that the user might be able to change data, not by himself, but by checks that go thru table data security (and not form security) and finds out that the user can change everything.

    Im my opinion, it is double work, cause:
    * first you give all table access and
    * then give or take form access,

    instead of:
    * give or take table data access

  • nostrannostran Member Posts: 106
    i've found it easy to just restrict or give access by making a copy of the role "All" and then modify it.
    The role "All" basically gives rights to all reports, table, forms etc. so first add the role "All" to your database login, then all relevant roles that apply. then start restricting access by modifying your customised role "All"
  • Member Posts: 88
    For your Sales Orders review give only reviewer a role that allows posting (this role should be preset) and other a role that allows only entering sales documents.
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