Hi Folks,
i want to open an Outlook-Taskitem with Automation, wich is already created. I have the "Entry-ID" of the Task-Item, but searching for Open- or Search-Methods. Is there a special way to open it ?
And now to something different:
How can I move Characters like "Line Feed" (13/10) to a Textfield?
You can search like this also (in this case contacts whith custom fields for storing the prospectno. and the contactno. and probably not the correct translation of field names):
OlItems := OlMapiFolder.Items.Restrict('[Prospectno] = "' + Prospectno + '" AND [Contactno] = "' + Contactno + '"');
IF OlItems.Count = 0 THEN
OlContact := OlMapiFolder.Items.Find('[Prospectno] = "' + Prospectno + '" AND [Contactno] = "' + Contactno + '"');
Line Feed You can add like this:
Create a var of type char and assign that a value like this
CR := 13;
IF You wan't thre line feeds You do like this:
Hope that helps
based on your advise i builded this code:
IF Rec."Outlook Refer" <> '' THEN BEGIN
OutlItems := OutlMapiFolder.Items.Restrict('[EntryID] = '+Rec."Outlook Refer");
IF OutlItems.Count = 0 THEN
OutlTaskItem := OutLAppl.CreateItem(3)
OutlTaskItem := OutlMapiFolder.Items.Find('[EntryID] = '+Rec."Outlook Refer");
(Rec is a Navision Table that contents the Entry ID of the TaskItem)
but i only got the Error-Message 'The Call to Member Restrict failed. Condition cannot be parsed'
what did i wrong?
It should be:
IF Rec."Outlook Refer" <> '' THEN BEGIN
OutlItems := OutlMapiFolder.Items.Restrict('[EntryID] = "'+Rec."Outlook Refer" + '"');
IF OutlItems.Count = 0 THEN
OutlTaskItem := OutLAppl.CreateItem(3)
OutlTaskItem := OutlMapiFolder.Items.Find('[EntryID] = "'+Rec."Outlook Refer" + '"');
You can see the correct syntax in the MS Outlook Help for it's Object Library (which You can open from the script editor in Outlook)
thats it! But unfortunally the ENTRYID is not allowed in "Restrict" or "Find". This is "Microsoft Live and colored", isnt it? I solved the problem now with the Property "Ordinal". If you have any suggestion for a better soluton,please tell me.
By the way in Outlook the "Date"-Type contents Date+Time, is that right?
How can i move a Time-Value from NF in an Outlook Date-Property (Example: Taskitem.ReminderTime)
Greetings Stefan
In any way I know this has been discussed at mynavision.net or navision.net, so if You search these forums You should find the solution.