Does XMLPort have autosave, autoupdate, autoreplace?

CaponeCapone Member Posts: 125
In dataports you can find following settings for a data item XMLPort autosave, autoupdate, autoreplace.

Does it exist similiar funtionality to xmlports?
Hello IT, have you tried to turn it off and on?
Have you checked the cables?
Have you released the filters?


  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    It is best to first insert your imported data into a temporary/buffer table, so you can validate all your data using the apropriate triggers.
    But you have the linktable and forceinsert option per dataitem when sourcetype is table.
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  • CaponeCapone Member Posts: 125
    Hi Sog, and thanx for your answer.

    This means that if I want to overwrite the record I have to write following code in the OnPostXMLport() trigger:

    IF MyTemporaryRecord.FINDSET THEN
    IF MyTemporaryRecord.GET(key1,key2) THEN BEGIN
    MyRecord := MyTemporaryRecord;
    UNTIL MyTemporaryRecord.NEXT = 0;

    But If I want to do an autoUpdate I have to copy the updated values from MyTemporaryRecord "manually" to MyRecord unless that I make a function that compares all the values in both records and decides when it should be updated.
    Hello IT, have you tried to turn it off and on?
    Have you checked the cables?
    Have you released the filters?
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