Quick question.
What is the best practice when doing modifications, write C/AL comments in native language - easier to understand OR in english - readable to the world.
I don't think any person outside Denmark would ever read this code.
Is it a normal practice for a serious ERP partner to comment code in native languages?
Best regards / Venlig hilsen
Johannes Sebastian
...Plus all the motivation explained by luc
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
In my current company we have a company policy requiring English documentation and field names and even text-constants, even-though for some of our customers the likelihood of them expanding internationally is less than zero.
I guess it would be necessary with a poll to say what is normal practice?
What language do you use for commenting your code? (Only for native developers in non-English speaking countries)
1) Company Policy say English and I follow it
2) Company Policy say English but I don't follow it
3) Company Policy say Native and I follow it
4) Company Policy say Native but I don't follow it
5) No Company Policy - comments in English
6) No Company Policy - comments in Native
7) No comments - "my code is self-explaining!"
8 ) No comments - "it was hard to make therefore it should be hard to understand!"
9) Other - explain below...
Other options before the poll is created? :-k
I totally RECOMMEND to use ENU as the basic language for development (names, identificators, captions, documentation) for everybody. Event it is easier to get some support when you need it...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
btw, sometimes it is a pain to translate every textconstant, but on the britght side, you start using functions like FIELDCAPTION etc more and more frequently because you're too lazy to do translations.
After some time, you'll also start to make codeunits and functions with the only purpose of make available common words translations that can't be found in your application, (for example "must be"/"must not be").
needless to say that programming text constants like this, make the overall quality of the development better.
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
An extra reason: develop in ENU and let the functional testers test in the local language. You will find a lot of language-related bugs.
Most of my colleagues still program in Italian (English is a big problem in Italy) and I can assure you that when changing the language, a lot of language-related bugs come up : forgetting ENU-PageNamesML on forms gives a beautiful error when run in ENU, Caption ONLY in Italian, calcdate date use '+1G' and that works only in Italian, ...
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