In the classic client I have developed a subform with multiple tableboxes presenting a table with different rowtypes.
The table looks for example like this:
MESSAGE_ID | LINE_NO | NAME | C00 | C01 | C02 | C56 | I01
1 1 | Header | Ver1 | Inv1 | | Finally |
1 2 | Posting | | 2640 | EUROPE | | 0
1 3 | Posting | | 5210 | EUROPE | | 1
To visualize the lines to the user I have placed the tableboxes on top of eachother and then I have buttons controlling which of the tableboxes to be shown. In the code for each button I also filter the table so that only the specified rowtype (NAME field) is shown. This makes it possible to show only the significant fields for each row type (as you can see in the example C00 is only used on header line) and I can also give the field more descriptive names (C01 on Header row is the invoioce number, but on Posting rows it's used for G/L Account). :-k
So, the question is... Does anyone know how to realize this in RTC? I haven't found any way to filter the repeater group or anything like that. Sure I can create multiple groups and specifiy the names for each row type, but still I will see ALL rows in every tab/group. ](*,)
I hope someone have an idea about this, since I dont wanna create separate pages for each row type. Of course that would solve it, but it would be quite expensive.
Best regards
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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I'm not by my computer right now, but I think I get what you mean. I'll try this later and we'll see if it solves it.
Thanks for the suggestion.
oh, you probably want to work with filtergroup(4) also, which is the one that manages the subformlinkproperty. In this way you can make nav work totally as expected
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
However, I can't get it working like in the classic client.
I can get the filter working, but only if I repeat the subpage part for each row type on the header page. With other words, I have to use the same set of columns for all the row types.
I can still not accomplish having different columns with different names depending on the row type. I see now that my example lines were poorly formatted, but I wanted to illustrate that for example C00 and C56 should only be shown on header line, and in that view it should be called "VerNumber' and 'BookingType':
MESSAGE_ID | LINE_NO | NAME_ | C00 | C01 | C02____ | C56__ | I01
1__________| 1______ | Header | Ver1 | Inv1 | ______ | Finally |
1_________ | 2______ | Posting | ____| 2640 | EUROPE | ______| 0
1_________ | 3______ | Posting | ____| 5210 | EUROPE | ______| 1
Is this possible to accomplish?
If I put all row types within the same subpage (using repeater) I get the possibility to set the column headers and only show the columns that are relevant, BUT I can't specifiy which rowtypes to show on which repeater.
The suggested code for CurrPage.mypagepartname.FORM.SETTABLEVIEW(mysourcetable) can only be used on header page to filter the complete subpage, not the repeater sections. And I can't find a way to set filter code on the repeaters.
So, did I misunderstand your idea or is it possible to do this?
Best Regards
If you have fixed ones, you could add your subpage 5 times on the main page and only show the one that you need.
But, I can't choose different column names if I do like that, can I?
Is it possible to code the subpage so I hide the other groups when showing a specific rowtype? I don't seem to have access to the visible property within the subpages so I can control the visibility, or have I missed something.
Best regards