I have a custom processing report that creates a purchase order using the sales order information. This report is called from the sales order and the only report option is to enter the Vendor No. The user has custom ROLE PERMISSIONS set to an AD (Active Directory) group.
The issue is if I run this process (call the report to create the po) using the Classic client, it works fine. If I run this report using the RTC client I receive a message (built in the report to check the Vendor No. <> '') indicating the Vendor No. is blank. However, if I change the users role permissions to SUPER and run the process again using the RTC client, it will process thru.
My thought is the RTC client is looking for permission to an object specific to the RTC client.
As a side note, if I change the company and use the custom role permissions, this process runs thru in both the RTC and Classic clients. This tells me it's a data issue within the company.
Please help, very confused. ](*,)
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n