XMLPort - Import file with soap:Envelope

bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309

I've created an XMLPort to import a file that looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"


<Order_RetrieveResponse xmlns="http://nowhere.com/pathinfo/SomebodysCRMWebservice">





I keep getting the error:

The Element <Envelope> can not be found from object description.

I've tried putting elements soap:Envelope & soap:Body at the top of the XMLPorts node list (dumb, but i had to try it) and it makes no difference.

Is there some majic I'm missing to get the port to read this file?

Thanks in advance!


  • ta5ta5 Member Posts: 1,164
    Have a look at this:

    There is a problem with Namespaces, could be this.
    Hope this helps
  • bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309
    Interesting threads - thanks!

    Now, next question: I *always* search the forum before posting a question. In this case I did a search on XMLport, 'XMLPort soap', and a few others, and I didn't see that thread.

    How did you find it?

  • ta5ta5 Member Posts: 1,164
    I searched for namespace :mrgreen:
  • bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309
    So obvious I didn't think of it!
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