Upgradation from NAV 5.0 to NAV 2009

dhananjayvdhananjayv Member Posts: 55
I want upgrade NAV 5.0 to NAV 2009.
can any tell me how do it in a systematic manner & how much time will it take to merge the object?
awating for reply ASAP.



  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Download the upgrade toolkit from PartnerSource. It has step by step instructions. And if you have never done an upgrade before work with someone who has.

    As for time, no one can tell you that without looking at your database. For me it takes 20-30 min per object to merge the code. But that's just an average. It really depends on how many modifications your database has. Then there's the testing and the data upgrade.
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