A bug in codeunit 80 for 2009 sp1? (CreatePrePaymentLines)

CaponeCapone Member Posts: 125
We have a customer that have between 6000-30000 lines on their invoices from different shipments.

After we upgraded them to 2009 sp1 it could take up to 30h to post it.

Now I have finally figured out what is the problem.

It goes into function CreatePrePaymentLines where it runs the following code


The only problem is that PrePmtTestRun is a local boolean variable but it is never initialized so it runs all the time. This must be bug?!
Hello IT, have you tried to turn it off and on?
Have you checked the cables?
Have you released the filters?



  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    No it's not a bug.

    If you look a line below it.
              IF NOT PrePmtTestRun THEN BEGIN
                PrePmtTestRun := TRUE;

    It is set to true, so that it runs only once when looping through the sales line.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • CaponeCapone Member Posts: 125
    Yeah I noticed it. I was a bit hasty when I reported it #-o

    But I realised that the real issue is how the code in TestGetShipmentPPmtAmtToDeduct works.

    To me it seems like a real performance killer when you have 3000-12 000 sales lines on a invoice. :-k

    There must be a better way to calculate if the prepayments are correct or if prepayments are even used on the sales lines.

    Since our customer doesn't use prepayments our quick fix is to not use this function. When they want to use it we have to look into the function and see if we can rewrite the code so it works in a better way.

    If there are 10 000 sales lines (N) and each sales line corresponds to a sales shipment line (M) it will make salesShipmentLine.get :


    TestGetShipmentPPmtAmtToDeduct= M+M*M

    Total expression will be N(M+M*M) = 10 000(10 000 + 10 000 * 10 000) = BIG NUMBER

    And this is even before posting.... :(
    Hello IT, have you tried to turn it off and on?
    Have you checked the cables?
    Have you released the filters?

  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    I suggest to report to MS. I'm sure they will look to improve the process.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • CaponeCapone Member Posts: 125
    A part of the answer from Microsoft:

    "I think we need to change design here. I discussed with my colleagues: only in NAV V8 there are plans to fully redesign this functionality, then in next NAV V7 there will be no changes so we need to ask to fix this."
    Hello IT, have you tried to turn it off and on?
    Have you checked the cables?
    Have you released the filters?

  • BardurKnudsenBardurKnudsen Member, Microsoft Employee Posts: 137
    We (Dynamics NAV) have just made a small hotfix for NAV2009SP1 / R2 that reduces the problem. As several people on this thread have noticed, the function TestGetShipmentPPmtAmtToDeduct is only relevant when you use prepayment and when the invoice is created by retrieving shipment lines. If an order has prepayments, the lines will have a prepayment amount, so we can filter on this as well. Note that the suggested change is not fully tested yet and should be used as is. We do acknowledge that the solution is not very elegant, and will make a proper fix for next release.

    Codeunit 80
    PROCEDURE TestGetShipmentPPmtAmtToDeduct(SalesHeader : Record "Sales Header";SalesLine : Record "Sales Line")
    TempSalesLine.SETRANGE("Document Type",SalesHeader."Document Type");
    TempSalesLine.SETRANGE("Document No.",SalesHeader."No.");
    IF NOT TempSalesLine.FIND('+') THEN
    TempSalesLine.SETFILTER("Qty. to Invoice",'>0');
    TempSalesLine.SETFILTER("Shipment No.",'<>%1','');

    PROCEDURE TestGetShipmentPPmtAmtToDeduct(SalesHeader : Record "Sales Header";SalesLine : Record "Sales Line")
    TempSalesLine.SETRANGE("Document Type",SalesHeader."Document Type");
    TempSalesLine.SETRANGE("Document No.",SalesHeader."No.");
    TempSalesLine.SETFILTER("Qty. to Invoice",'>0');
    TempSalesLine.SETFILTER("Shipment No.",'<>%1','');
    TempSalesLine.SETFILTER("Prepmt. Line Amount",'<>0'); <- New filter
    IF TempSalesLine.isempty THEN <- moved line
    EXIT; <- moved line

    Codeunit 90:
    PROCEDURE TestGetRcptPPmtAmtToDeduct(PurchHeader : Record "Purchase Header";PurchLine : Record "Purchase Line")
    TempPurchLine.SETRANGE("Document Type",PurchHeader."Document Type");
    TempPurchLine.SETRANGE("Document No.",PurchHeader."No.");
    IF NOT TempPurchLine.FIND('+') THEN
    TempPurchLine.SETFILTER("Qty. to Invoice",'>0');
    TempPurchLine.SETFILTER("Receipt No.",'<>%1','');

    PROCEDURE TestGetRcptPPmtAmtToDeduct(PurchHeader : Record "Purchase Header";PurchLine : Record "Purchase Line")
    TempPurchLine.SETRANGE("Document Type",PurchHeader."Document Type");
    TempPurchLine.SETRANGE("Document No.",PurchHeader."No.");
    TempPurchLine.SETFILTER("Qty. to Invoice",'>0');
    TempPurchLine.SETFILTER("Receipt No.",'<>%1','');
    TempPurchLine.SETFILTER("Prepmt. Line Amount",'<>0'); <- New filter
    IF TempPurchLine.ISEMPTY THEN <- moved line
    EXIT; <- moved line

    Best regards,
    Bardur Knudsen,
    SDE, Dynamics NAV.
    Bardur Knudsen
    Microsoft - Dynamics NAV
  • Sara_Rybøl_[MSFT]Sara_Rybøl_[MSFT] Member, Microsoft Employee Posts: 3
    Thanks for the input, as mentioned above we have looked in to this problem.
    For further information please have a look at KB2641728
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